I restore my meditation area to its original location

altar 7-29-15I woke up yesterday morning and sat to meditate. It wasn’t happening. I’d moved my altar area a few months ago and it still did not feel comfortable. Today was the day to do something about it. Since I’m rehabbing my knee, I moved the exercise bike, the HealthRider and the rebounder off to one side. I also can’t sit cross legged on the floor right now, either, which cramps my style. Formerly, I had the inside of my fireplace lined in mirrored tiles, with altar items inside and posters of deities overhead on the mantelpiece. I had to take them out of the fireplace because Benny the Cat thought that was a cool place to walk around. I moved a two shelf cabinet with clear doors in front of the fireplace. It has a short strand of lights inside and now contains all the altar items, as well as on top. I moved a café table and two chairs to the center of the room. My meditation area was now situated the same as it had been the last 20+ years. It felt familiar again. I felt in the slot once more. Meditation came easily after that.   

Andrea’s Meditation Process (and links!)
Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay
Preparing For Relaxation; Preparing For Meditation; Daily Practice
Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is Transcendental Meditation minus the ritual
Paving neural pathways to achieve meditation and access elusive inner states
Neurotheology: How God Changes Your Brain
Regulate your body chemistry: meditation as anti-aging medicine
A list of meditation’s positive effect on some of your body’s chemicals
Meditating to the superconscious state
An 11 Minute, 11 Step Meditation to Develop Compassionate Understanding
(also type “meditation” in the search box and find more)

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