The July 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the July horoscopes

7-15 Cover Campfire dancer 3x4-72The July 2015 Horizons Magazine is now online at  Here are the July 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am” This month think of your relationships like a flower bed; the seeds you plant this Summer will grow into a beautiful garden of bounty, if you tend to their needs properly. Your relationship is ready to take the next step. Keep the weeds cleared and give your garden plenty of nourishment, water, love and light.

Taurus: April 19 to May 20 “I Have” You may be taking a long road trip this Summer; it all depends on you and what you really want for your life. Once again there are distant ancestors knocking on your door to dispense wisdom if you are willing to listen. Be open to what the Universe has planned for you, it will be what you have always wanted.  

Gemini: May 20 to June 21 “I Think” You have been given the gift of time to be creative; enjoy the opportunity to work on all aspects of your life that have the potential to nourish and fulfill you. Is it a book, a painting, a relationship, a yard, whatever it is will be filled with light and purposeful intention for happiness.

Cancer: June 21 to July 22 “I Feel” This Summer a profound change comes over you in such a way that your male and female aspects of you will merge into one. You will find that you know things that you had no way of knowing. Your psychic channel is opening and your day to day life has deepened. Enjoy the next step in your spiritual evolution.

Leo: July 22 to August 22 “I Will” Empowered is your middle name this month! Your creativity channel is on high, don’t spin your wheels, there is way too much electricity moving through your body now. Breath, yoga and finding time for sacred space will assist you in downloading all this expansive energy.

Virgo: August 22 to September 22 “I Analyze” This time of year is a very productive time for you, carve out some space to play, dance and sing your heart out. Working with your hands will give you extra pleasure as well as energy to do things you thought you never could. Amongst the flowers you will find your heart once again.

Libra: September 22 to October 23 “I Balance” There are many changes heading your way, be aware that your life will look totally different from what it is a year from now. That does not mean that it will be bad, whatever is out of balance will come into balance. Just remember to be gentle with yourself as you continue to grow, and expect the best.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22 “I Transform” The financial flow in your life has increased because of your hard work and diligence, prayers and complete will power dedicated to your goals. You can have what you want as long as it has meaning for you. Take care of what you love and it will take care of you and feed your heart.

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21 “I Perceive” Your ambition and inspiration are infectious to everyone around you. You are the gate keeper, there is so much that needs to be said and you are the one who can communicate the facts effectively. You can hear the guidance clearly and are capable of following your passion.

Capricorn: December 21 to January 19 “I Use” Your emotions are intense now because you have been living in the fast lane, and have not been taking time for yourself to play and rest. This month is all about play and traveling for rest and vacation. The key message is to recharge your battery, create memories and new possibilities.

Aquarius: January 19 to February 18 “I Know” It is time for you to be serious about creating new boundaries and get clear about what you want! Your foundation is shifting, keep talking to your Angels they are there to help you find your new home and take you to the next level of knowledge. Keep affirming the positive and everything will slide into place.

Pisces: February 18 to March 20 “I Believe” Are your dreams sending you messages about a career shift or maybe a new way of being in the world? Have you lost touch with your body lately? It is time to be out in nature more, gardening, hiking, learning about herbs and eating more organic fruits and vegetables. Your world has become more expansive, enjoy the riches of life.


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