Nothing brings me back to center like a physical workout

I mowed the lawn and sneaked in a little yard work this morning before it got hot and humid. It’s so satisfying when I haven’t weeded in months to see the tall pile of pulled weeds. It included about a hundred loquat seedlings and miles of wedelia. I’ve let the north entrance to the firepit in the west woods grow over during spring and summer, so it will be fun hacking the new trail. I usually do that the first cool day of fall.  I did the gym yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. Ugh, I can never wait that long again, no matter HOW busy I think I am or pretend to be. The elliptical machine crumbles me, that tells me I need to keep doing it since I’m working muscles that need it. I’m so sore I could… whimper. What a lightweight I am.