Deep transparency requires deep compassion and courage

Honesty and transparency, it’s not for everyone but, oh, the freedom when you can finally do it!  A friend wrote on Facebook, “This past month, for me, has been one of letting go and admitting that I have not been truthful with myself and, in turn, how my lack of self-truthfulness has affected both my intimate relationships with the men in my life as well as with my sister goddesses. Yes, I am a mess (sometimes) and Yes, I have allowed my fear of being unworthy and imperfect keep me from being real, authentic and honest. There are many steps ahead on my journey of self-healing… my first step is to love and accept who I truly am with no “BS cover-up story.”  I once wrote an ex for clarification: “The question is NOT why did you not tell me what your past history was so I could determine if that was something I wanted to bring into my experience. I know that every day is a new beginning. The question is simply why after talking every single day for over a year about being conscious and honest in relationship would you not tell your partner when feelings were changing? What went before is no matter. But after all the conversation about being honest and open and morphing consciously, why did that not happen?  It is never about cheating, because people are going to love who they love and when love goes, it goes. It is about being honest with your feelings so that when intentions change, everyone has the opportunity to make informed choices.” It’s a process.  We get honest when we’re able to. No one else can say when someone else is ready, or should be ready.

RELATED:  When they can’t be honest and insist on holding a grudge
Conscious Coupling: Having Resolved the Past is How We Stay Conscious In the Now