Maybe a little too much to share on a first date

A friend writes: “About last night’s guy…. He tells me that he’s a traditional guy and that he should never have married another Army officer because she was too independent.  Also I get the explanation of why he was on meds after his near death experience, how he became a narcotic addict for a year but stopped cold turkey, and now uses medicinal marijuana. Not sure how he thinks this is going to help him get his security clearance for his new job.  Oh yeah, he hasn’t been working since February when he left his last position for a break.  And I got his entire conversion story as well as the details of his new church…. Which isn’t here.  I’m thinking that some of this should possibly not have been shared on a first date! LOL”
Kudos to him for being brave to tell it upfront instead of her finding out piecemeal in a soul crushing relationship.