Friends and clients tell me they feel they are coming out of the fog of the last few months

moon full fogFriends say they finally feel they are coming out of the fog of the past few months.  They’ve been feeling low energy, almost lethargic, they’ve become sensitive to hot and cold, to noise.  They’ve been restless, unrefreshed by sleep and almost constantly exhausted.  “It’s the solar flares the past ten days, it’s new energies coming in,” I’ve heard some say, “time is speeding up and that’s what we’re feeling.” I don’t think it’s that time is speeding up, rather it feels that way for those who are experiencing it. What they are experiencing is the awakening of the higher chakras as the kundalini rises. That is why the new experiences, the new emotions, the new thoughts and the new confusion.

This naturally occurring process is one chakra after another, from the base up, becoming activated and expanding until the energy reaches the crown chakra.  Any symptoms and shaking you have will coincide with a particular chakra and energy block that are clearing.  You don’t necessarily need a  process or a ritual to clear your chakras; often you can clear it by realizing what is happening, and then meditate on what you feel each time you feel a symptom.  See this list of symptoms of chakra imbalance and their remedies to see which chakra your issue coincides with. You can have many physical symptoms pass through your systems, and the trick is to not get caught up in any of them.  They will pass soon enough.  Only your attention to them will keep them there. When you feel the headache, the shaking, the tingling, the jerks and other sensations, especially as you are falling asleep, know that it’s natural and nothing to be concerned about. Breathing into the sensation is the quickest way to integrate yourself with it. Begin a series of slow, deep rhythmic breaths, all the while imagining drawing the energy of the sensation up through the center of your body, run lovingly through the heart chakra and out the top of your head.  Being aware of what is happening to you and why is the biggest factor in making this a smooth graduation to the next level of awareness. If you have any questions, let me know.

When you just want to start over
Kundalini management, how to regulate the energy
Chakras, a basic overview in plain language