My calls indicate everyone feels the economy improving

dollars $100 on white72As usual, the calls I get on any given week all have similar themes, because that is how law of attraction works.  I’m always getting calls on topics I am either experiencing now or have in the past, so it’s no surprise that the past two weeks everyone’s attitude and expectations are looking up relative to income.  I purposely don’t watch the news since historically nothing going on in it seems to affect my daily life. No matter what details  – jobs, income, social security – change, I know I will be guided to make the changes needed to thrive. I just need to be flexible and open to things appearing in ways I didn’t expect.  

My own business has increased the past several months. Since I know it’s all related, I know one reason is that I keep myself focused on things I’m happy about.  I remember that my self talk determines my future outcome.  The last two weeks I’ve had advertisers send in unsolicited donations with their ad payments.  It seems everyone I talk to is on the upward swing as well.  That gives hope to those who haven’t yet felt the change.  If they haven’t felt the change, it’s simply that their focus is in a different place, and that places them at a different point of attraction.  To anyone ready for their quality of life to improve, I suggest you turn off the news, do some self reflection to see where you might clear up the past,  then do that and turn your focus to things and people you enjoy. It’s never not worked.