Making plans and following guidance: a winning combo

I love working in the middle of the night. It’s not even like work. I never planned on working for myself, ever. Had I given it any thought ahead of time, I’d likely not have done it. No one has written me a paycheck for 22 years.  By being an entrepreneur with many projects, I’ve created a good life for myself. Very little of it was planned. Most of it was simply following guidance.  Oh, sure, I’ve made my share of plans and many came to fruition.

 Most often, though, it was on the way to accomplishing my goals that I would encounter people and circumstances that took me off the path I was on, and into something better than I’d planned for myself.  Often it was in the course of, or under the guise of helping out a friend, and not really paying too much attention to anything other than that, letting the rest of my life just flow into whatever it flowed into.  It never failed to flow into something better than I could have planned for myself.  Even the times I felt betrayed and dishonored served to soften me to accept a much different reality than I’d have considered without having lived that.  So I thank whoever pushed me or pulled me, drained me or fueled me, loved me or left me, hurt me or helped me because it’s brought me to where I am today. Today I – the always happy person! – I am even happier than I’ve been in many moons. All areas of my life are coming together in a way I never planned. All it took was releasing resistance, staying focused on being helpful, and following guidance in the moment it came up. May it ever be so. I am so blessed.