You do everyone a dis-service when you don’t speak your mind

Oh, deliver me from galpals who can’t speak up! A gf just drove herself crazy for 2 weeks trying to figure out how to tell me I should really wear deodorant if I’m going to sweat like a pig and go anywhere with her. (Imagine that!) I would have in the first moment I noticed it given her a heads up! She thought it more humane to let me offend everyone else for 2 weeks while she fretted over how to tell me. I keep it natural when I’m at home so I forget the social niceties.  What I find offensive is someone who won’t speak their mind when they have something to say. Someone who thinks a topic like this would “hurt my feelings” yet letting me be offensive to everyone else is “okay.” Why would someone think topics like this are off limits? Everyone working on their throat chakra, please, learn to speak up and let your feelings be known.