Report your Facebook account when it gets hacked, don’t just change your password

Two days ago I got a friend request from a real life friend that I have been Facebook friends with for years.  I thought it odd but accepted it. Today I got a message from her that was also odd.  She said “… life’s been treating me great cos of the help I got from the Re-elected Government in which a church member told me I wonder if you heard the good news about officer Sean yet?”  WTF? Instant red flag.  I said, “I want to make sure this is you, tell me where we met, ok?  Or name 3 mutual friends we have been in same room with. I’m making sure you’re ___ and not the hacker.” As soon as “she” saw that, I got the message “You cannot reply to this conversation. Either the recipient’s account was disabled or its privacy settings don’t allow replies.” Then I called my friend and she changed her password. Don’t just change your password, if you’ve been hacked.  Report it. Here’s How To Report A Facebook Violation.