Are you being heard? Do you really listen?

In a recent reading, I knew I was being heard because she stopped me periodically for clarification: “This is what I heard you say there.  Is that accurate, is that what you meant to say?”  She knows that most people are unclear in their words because they are unclear in their mind. I hear all the time that after a reading, the client often thinks back and can’t remember anything concrete they’d been told. Just a bunch of impressions that seemed to satisfy at the time but upon reflection did not answer any real questions. So I know I am being heard when I’m asked to define a word or rephrase something for clarification.  That goes especially in personal conversations with friends, and that’s a way to avoid misunderstandings. Clarification is the key to communication.  And what are all our words to each other if not to bring us closer, to bring us to greater understanding of each other?