What’s the difference between her writing about it & me writing about it? It’s between 2 parties and she’s not one of them

The difference is that I write about what I personally experience, and I share my impressions about what I personally experience. A third party is writing criticism about me based on what someone else told her was true. I could have said, “what someone else in anger told her was true,” because, personally knowing each person, to me that is what it appears. But I do not know that as a fact since I was not there to witness it firsthand. So I can’t say that. Unless I was there, it’s none of my affair. I spent the last year standing up for someone she’s just discovering. It’s a new crusade to her but for us, it’s deja vu all over again. If and when he ever wants to reach out to me, he will.  He’s his own man.  If and when I want to reach out to him, I will.  The idea that a third person, who wasn’t there, who has already sought out mutual friends to spread mis-info about me and talks about suing me, would be the appropriate one to mediate, is unconscionable. To those who know either of us for the last 20 years, no more needs to be said. Never stifle your voice.  Always write your impressions, on everything.  Just don’t, however well meaning, write as “truth” what you yourself did not experience firsthand.  That’s keeping it real. That’s also keeping it legal.