Not everyone can face a mirror every day. Until you work it out with one, you’re going to keep getting that lesson

If you’re spending time with another human, you’re going to have disagreement. How you feel about each other will waver back and forth.  It’s not easy having a mirror right in front of you.  Only when you don’t recognize it as a mirror does it become uncomfortable. That’s when moods begin swinging. That’s when doors begin swinging.  Until you work it out with one of them, you’re going to keep getting that lesson in the form of others just like them. Different face. Different name. Mates, employers, children. Same lesson. Make it easy on yourself. Pick just one of those people to work it out with and get on with your happy life. Oh and yes, of course, make amends with the past, owning up to yourself where you’ve been untruthful, then forgiving everyone and everything in it, including yourself.
Hawaiian Forgiveness Ho’oponopono Process