Missing someone? You’re just caught in the limbic loop

Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just the part of moving on.” A friend posted that on Facebook.  My experience is what we think of as a longing for our lost love is often a longing for the relationship we imagined in our head, rather than the one we actually had.  Physically, it’s mostly muscle memory and being caught in what I call the limbic loop. The limbic system is responsible for emotions, memories, motivation, which means our memories feed our emotions which feed our feelings which feed our thoughts which feed our memories which feed… you get it. We can get caught in this endless cycle, or we can turn our attention elsewhere on purpose. Your mind keeps going back to its biggest thoughtform and running that in a loop unless you give it new experiences to mull over.  That mean to get yourself out among people you don’t know and do some things you don’t normally do.  Interact and talk with as many new people about as many new things as you can. If you find something that interests you, then get more info about it. This gives your mind something new to reflect on until your emotions can settle down and you get out of the limbic loop.