Cultivate the feeling of being in love to fuel your future experience

A friend and I were discussing the synchronicities of  feeling that events are about to unfold and then watching them come to pass.  In discussion, we play the game of amping up each others’ enthusiasm because we know that being in that fun flow of good feeling is important to releasing resistance.  We know that resistance is the biggest block to receiving all the good the Universe has to offer, and everything we’ve been wishing for.  A good exercise is to cultivate the feeling of being in love, which creates fuel to power the attraction process. You then turn your attention to the object of your desire, and keep the flow of love feeling going toward it.  If we stay mindful, it can be a powerful learning tool. It’s rare and beautiful to find someone in the work who understands the importance of that and is able to play at it with you.

Sexuality on the Spiritual Path

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