Don’t give thought to “psychic predictions” of disaster

Wednesday, after I’d written wrote about Endless loops of windows and popups, cleaning up your crap, I awoke Thursday to find my internet connection was down.  You can read about it at Getting Disconnected From Source.  Before I discovered the problem, I just thought I was having trouble getting AOL email to open.  So as I was laboriously downloading pages from my (unknown to me) precarious connection, I filled the time by checking messages and returning calls.  A Horizons reader called to share a concern that I’d gotten several emails and other calls about.  It seems that they’ve heard some psychics make predictions about assassination attempts and another depression coming our way.  Why would I even repeat these words to you?  Because what people are saying to each other behind closed doors is one way mass consciousness is attracting the world situation as it is right now.  Don’t fall into it and don’t buy into it, and it won’t happen. Period.  And don’t believe any “psychics” that predict disasters.

There are psychics that are authentic and well meaning, yet his vision may be clouded on those topics since those events would personally impact him as well.  As an authentic psychic, I know that I am not always able to see clearly what’s ahead for me.  Experience has taught me that anything that has an emotional component for me, puts a filter over the scene I see.  And knowing that helps me see more clearly, and to always question what I see.

More importantly, I know that what I say to someone in a reading carries great weight with them.  I know how powerful words are, so I choose them wisely and use them with intention.  A big part of being a good psychic is knowing that the client is mentally, emotionally and psychologically prepared to handle what I am about to tell them.   I don’t say something that inflames them or that causes them anguish.  I don’t withhold anything, but I have learned how to properly set the stage for what I am about to tell them.  So when they hear it, they have some advance perception of how to receive it.  You’ve given them a bowl to contain the idea in, a  bowl for the idea to brew in like a good soup, because out of this soup they will draw their ideas for how to handle what is coming up for them.  That’s actually the more important part of the reading.  Anyone can grab a raw visual out of the ethers.  But if you can’t frame it, don’t deliver the message.

So as far as being freaked out over psychic predictions of economic depression, and the idea of spiritual warfare and thinking the corrupt aspects of our world need to be done away with, that simply gives power and life to those thoughtforms.  I’m mentioning it because those statements about financial collapse and our President’s safety have some of my callers scared almost into disability, so I want to address it openly.

One caller said to me that even mentioning words like assassination and depression plants the idea in the minds of people.  She said it would be like someone walking into a classroom of mothers with their infants, except this mother’s infant has its arm ripped off and it’s squirting blood and he’s screaming and the Mother is telling the others:  “This does not have to be your experience.  You can create a different reality.

Not so easy to do, is it, when you’ve had such a strong image splashed in your face, with the attendant sound and emotions?  “This doesn’t have to be your experience.”  And yet it’s more likely to be their experience NOW than before she walked into their class.

Because now they’ve had a taste of it.  Now it’s been brought to their attention that something they never thought about is a real possibility. Now they think, maybe for the first time, “this might happen to me.”  Now they have something startling to recall vividly and consider over and over again as possibly their future experience.  No matter what she said afterward.  Kind of like telling the jury to disregard a statement they heard the witness make.  They now give greater importance to the statement than they may have otherwise.  They are certainly not going to disregard it, because now it is prominent in their mind.  She’s highlighted it for them.

And whatever we hold in our mind the most – with emotion – plays the biggest part in attracting our future experiences to us.

Whatever we replay over and over and over again, with emotion, we attract the vibrational equivalent of.  And it’s because I know this that I print the most hopeful scenarios in Horizons.  Because my experience has been that the longer someone can stay focused on the good things happening in the world, the quicker they will stop seeing the scary sides of everything and fighting against evil and what not.   If they look for the good, they’ll see it.

We see what we look for.  By now I suppose almost everyone has seen the basketball video  – you need to press the PLAY > near the bottom left.  Now count the number of times the people wearing white shirts pass the basketball. DO NOT count the number of passes from people wearing black shirts.  Ok, remember, count ONLY the number of passes from the WHITE shirts.  Here’s the video, then come back here.  Ok, got your number?

Now replay it and count the number of passes from the people wearing black shirts.  How many do you see?  Is it a trick question because you see half a pass and are not sure whether to count it?  Did you see anything else?  This video is an excellent example that we get see what we are programmed to see.  We see what we are looking for.  The news tells us to look for terrorists and we think we see them everywhere.  Spirit tells us to look for evidence of miracles, and miracles begin to surround us.  It’s your choice what to look for. Viscog Productions produces DVDs that reveal the surprising limits of perception, attention, and awareness. Look for the DVD called Surprising Studies of Visual Awareness, Vol. 1. This year, Viscog released Surprising Studies, Vol. 2, with more “striking demonstrations that can induce failures of awareness.”

So science knows we see what we choose to see, what we’ve been taught to look for.

But who wants to see only the good?  Why not see the “truth”?

I agree, murder exists as a “truth,” however it’s not my truth right here, right now in front of me today.  So in that sense, murder is not a truth because it’s not my truth.  However, experience tells me that if I focus on the topic of murder or corruption or anything else, I will always find evidence of what I’m looking for.

But you can’t deny it exists, you might say.  Well, yes I can, if it’s not happening in front of me.  It’s not mine to do unless it’s right in front of me.  And there’s plenty for me to do right in front of me, I don’t need to go halfway around the world to do good or find a solution for a problem.

However, experience tells me that if I focus on the topic of murder or corruption or anything else, I will always find evidence of what I’m looking for.  So I have learned to NOT seek what I’m not ready to find and to stay off topics that I don’t want to experience.

To the people who are outraged against anything, or who are activists fighting for their cause, I understand your dilemma.  Maybe you feel it’s your job and your work, and you’re allowed to think that.  I’m lazy and my experience tells me if I stay off those topics, I stay somehow magically out of any problems anyone else around me is having.

And if I am out of those problems, then I can keep a higher perspective  that lets me do what is mine to do, free from encumbrance.  If I can keep myself from being drawn into anyone else’s chain of pain, then my experience does not have to be what theirs is, and I have something to give them.  Otherwise I don’t.

Why are we looking anyway at things that are not ours to do? It doesn’t matter why.  You can analyze it for ages.  Analyzing it keeps you vibing in the place of it.  Conjecturing about it and discussing it simply keeps you in vibrational resonance with it. As does of course watching any news about it.

It’s just another metaphor for feeling lost and feeling disconnected.   Like yesterday morning when my internet connection went down.  We get all freaked out thinking we’re losing connection but that’s just because we’re paying attention to those things that we don’t want.  It makes us feel bad and makes us attract more thoughts of more bad stuff and it’s a downward spiral from there.

Yes, even a lot of you  who read about Law Of Attraction are doing it.  I do it sometimes.  So just think how hard it is for those who don’t know how  they are attracting things to themselves and how to attract anything different than they’re getting.

I have friends who have gone into survivalist mode, preparing for the worst, stocking up.  I agree we should be prepared, but not have a Thunderdome type mentality about it.

Because even in preparing for the worst case scenario, you are attracting it as sure as the hero attracts the victim he rescues.  While in the mode of research and preparation, they are vibrating in that place with it.

That’s when it becomes important to know whether you are researching from a point of view of “OMG the end is near, WTF am I going to do????  Let me find out what every other scared rabbit is doing.”

Or from a point of view of “It would be very cool to be self contained and do a living-off-the-land kind of project, to let myself discover just how creatively capable I can be.”

Just know where you’re vibing when you’re doing any research or talk about it.  Don’t do it from a place of fear.  I think of it as, “If I went on a 3-6 month personal wilderness retreat, what all should I have with me?”  A wilderness is a wilderness, no matter whether a jungle or a metaphor for an internal, subjective, inward turning of attention on purpose.  You can be a monk or you can be a prisoner, either way you are trapped in a cell, but the monk is free because his mind knows freedom beyond the physical body.

Michelle Whitedove says – and I am in complete agreement with her – to remember how powerful you are and that it’s up to you to create your personal future and that your reality can be a different experience from those around you.

A friend said, “The challenge is to stay connected when the sh*t hits the Fan.”  Someone had taken a sledgehammer to her glass sliding doors, stole money and jewelry. “How do I stay connected then?” she wanted to know.

I agree that it’s a challenge to stay connected when  the sh*t hits the fan.  That’s why prepaving and creative visualization are the most important elements to using law of attraction to your advantage. As soon as you stop doing things that incur more karmic backlash, the quicker the momentum of your past sh*t stops flying at you.

So the answer to staying connected when the sh*t is hitting the fan is simply expecting the best possible outcome, no matter what.  And start expecting it so far in advance that by the time the sh*t approaches the fan, you’ve left the building. And you’re no longer in a place that attracts the sh*t, that attracts the sledgehammer, that attracts the burglary.

Also, strive to develop some faith that you will be led to your next step.  Remember that you don’t need to know the whole way you’re going or where you’ll end up.  Just take the next step.  Like they say, easy does it.  One day at a time.  All your power is in The Now Moment.

Develop some trust that you will be given many opportunities.  If one is missed, another will come.  You never run out of them.  Expect that guidance can come to you from all corners of the Universe.  Expect that when those you love are having a hard time, you will be given the strength to find comfort in what is right there, right then.

Expect that it can come out of nowhere.  Expect that it can come from a source you never even considered.  Expect the unexpected.  Expect the miracle.


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