26 Gunned Down in Connecticut – Is it REALLY all good?

The headlines report that a teenage gunman took the lives of 26 people today, most of them children.  The news is all abuzz on Facebook.  Since I have a different attitude about death, I take care not to sound too flippant to those who don’t understand.  If we had only one life, I might sing a different tune.  The fact is we survive in consciousness after the change called death.  Also, whatever happens is God’s will.  Everything is done for a designed purpose and, if we’re in the midst of God’s will, how can we not rejoice?  I now know death is just like stepping into the next room, and how can I lament someone stepping into the next room?  I also know that, on some level, we each agreed before we came into this life as to what we would experience and with whom.

RELATED: The end of death as we know it