When one partner shifts and the other doesn’t, there is an intimacy born in the one who shifts that the other doesn’t understand

A few days ago in Dear Unknown Woman Who Accused Me,  a client’s wife had to be assured there was nothing going on between us other than meditation or yoga talk.  This misunderstanding happens a lot and I understand, suddenly a new woman has the attention of their man and they want to know why.    I made my post on Facebook and Freddie Zeringue explains what is behind the mechanics of it: “This is quite common in the field of transformation. When one partner shifts and the other doesn’t, there is always a certain intimacy born in the person who shifts that the other doesn’t understand or get in any way. It is not just the fact that they don’t understand, it is the idea that they can’t understand as none of us are capable of seeing what we can’t see until something shifts us. It is unfortunate for those of us who endeavor to work in the field of transformation. Transference is very common because of this intimacy and therefore what else can an outsider assume? I have been doing this work for 25 years and it is just a fact I have come to understand and work with and around.”