The good news keeps coming

I was pretty industrious today so far, doing non-magazine related projects.  I did some bicycle maintenance and went for a daytime ride around the neighborhood.  I watered the line of arbicola cuttings I planted alongside the cleared path in the woods.  I dragged some dead eleagnus cuttings to the street from the backyard.  I’d had a beansprout stirfry for breakfast with some miso soup.  It began as a salad then I decided to stirfry it and throw an egg in there also, with some soy sauce.  My tummy was growling again but I didn’t want to take the time to eat.  I had things to do.  That’s a good habit to get in to – when I got on the scales today after maybe a week of not, I had dropped several pounds without even realizing it.   I was even below a landmark weight that I felt fine staying at.  Yay for that.  The only thing I was doing differently was that I was not eating sandwiches every other day and I was eating big salads twice a day.  so that was definitely good news, to find that I’d lost a few pounds without even thinking about it.

The next piece of good news was when I opened my mail and my investment account statement was in there.  And it didn’t suck!  The market is finding its balance, I’m not worried about that.  And if it all goes bottom up, well heck, I’m sure something else will come to me.  I’m sure some ideas will come into my mind that I can pursue and make my way and manage to support myself and even thrive.

Oh, today is too beautiful, I have to get back outside and play in it.
Tonight: Full moon at 10:27pm

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