Brothermine hears the Seneca Guns

Monday January 5, 2009       My brother, who lives just outside Greenvlle, SC, wrote me this morning: ” The other night, while the grandkids were here, we were awakened by what sounded like an extremely large explosion.  Even though there was a light rain, there was not lightening or thunder.  This sounded more like a bomb going off.  The lights didn’t flicker like in a storm or when one of the transformers blow, and I didn’t hear any sirens to indicate the fire department or police were responding to anything.  My next thought was a sonic boom, but I didn’t hear any jet engines.  After doing a little research, I find that in North and South Carolina, and an area of NY, there is an unexplained phenomenom called the Seneca Guns. Anyway, it’s interesting to be woken up by loud, unexplained noises.”

I – Andrea – had heard of the Seneca Guns before.  I Googled it and found the phenomena known as the Seneca Guns, has been going on for hundreds of years. The name comes from Seneca Lake in New York, where the same sorts of sounds have been heard for years.  James Fenimore Cooper, author of The Last of the Mohicans, called these booms the Seneca Guns in one of his short stories.     Ooooo eeeeee  ooooo

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