Daily Archives: August 28, 2014

Doors close in your face for a reason

When doors close in your face, it's because you are not supposed to enter.  Your soul only leads you to safety  - Jurne Azubiah

When doors close in your face, it’s because you are not supposed to enter. Your soul only leads you to safety – Jurne Azubiah

A friend is upset, citing “once again life has slammed a door in my face.” I told her it’s important to remember that it’s no biggie when that happens, that something else will replace it soon enough. Where one door closes another will open, but you won’t see the door if you’re stuck in the grieving process of what you feel you lost.  But what if  you feel you lost your purpose in life? Your purpose in life is just morphing into new butterflies72forms of expression is all, and you’re in the stage of “oh, the caterpillar is dying”. That’s all. After the caterpillar dies, the butterfly emerges. All it is doing is morphing. What a caterpillar calls death, we call a butterfly.  You feel negative emotion when you’re looking in the wrong place.  If you’re looking in the right place but carry unresolved baggage from the past, you won’t see it.  How clearly you see what is right in front of you is up to you. When you begin fulfilling your soul’s purpose, you will see doors fly open all around you and it will become easy to attract the people who want what you have to offer.

RELATED:  The Magic of Making Amends
If We Don’t Let Go of What We Carry, We Won’t Move an Inch
When you begin fulfilling your soul’s purpose, it will become easy to attract the people who want what you have to offer.