An interesting experiment the last 5 days. Instead of my standard chicken, veggie and fruit meals, I’ve opted for sandwiches, canned soup and raisin bran with almond milk. Tonight I’m up 3 pounds and my sinuses are filled. Nice. Last week I kept feeling hungry although I was eating good portions. I just wasn’t eating many starches: a plantain here, a baked potato there. I made pasta once. Mostly salads, veggies and chicken. My weight slipped a couple of pounds below where I like it, so I decided to have a few days of more hearty fare. I’d cooked Cuban rice and beans for a friend but knew that was a slippery slope for me. I can get used to eating rice and beans every day just for the flavor, when I really thrive on lighter dishes. I decided on sandwiches for a few days, with canned soup, and cereal with almond milk for breakfast. Adding grains to my diet = automatic weight gain. Good to know! Afternote: Three days of “normal” eating knocked the weight off and cleared the sinuses.