Monthly Archives: October 2009

Notice The Ads Are All Geared To A Young Audience? That’s Not A Problem, That’s Opportunity

If you’re among the many baby boomers and beyond who are noticing that the ads in the media and the shows on tv all are quickly becoming irrelevant for our age group, get used to it. In Retailers turn away from baby boomers, focus on younger customers, we are reminded that the purpose of marketing is to attract dollars, and so it’s only smart to use the shotgun approach and talk only to the audience who is spending.  Of course, that leaves out entire groups of consumers who can’t find what they want.  Not everyone is in business to provide a service or product to their fellow man; most are in it just to make a living.  Rather than complaining about this, because the older you get, the more prevalent it may become, realize there is great opportunity here. This leaves many opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs to fill several niche markets.  Clothing is just one of them. Continue reading

Going Rustic In Suburbia

It’s such beautiful cool weather, I’ve had my windows open since yesterday.  At 2:00pm, it was  84 degrees but only 59% humidity so it felt like 70 degrees.  Actually, anything less than 80% humidity is a relief big time to us here in Florida.  My entire house is under a heavy oak and pine tree canopy, so once the humidity lifts, my place stays nice and cool.  My Uncle Jimmy, who built my home for me back in 1984, put extra insulation in the walls and under the roof and I’m sure that has saved me a bundle in the past 25 years.  In fact, last month when I had my giant head and chest cold, I kept the a/c on 73 degrees for two weeks’ straight because I was fevered.  I got the electric bill today and it was only $116.  I usually keep the a/c on 76 during the day and down to 73 or 74 at night and my Florida Power and Light bill for my little 2,000 square feet cottage is usually about $90.  I know that’s cheap.  When winter comes, I usually keep the thermostat set to come on automatically if the temperature drops to 55.  I rarely have the heater on.  I enjoy the cool air, and especially like to sleep with the windows open at night when the cool air is blowing through.  That’s because being cold in Florida happens so seldom that it’s a novelty.  I’m sure I wouldn’t want to sleep with windows open in Montana. Continue reading

On Twitter: I’m In A Board Meeting, Having A Miscarriage

On Twitter: I’m in a board meeting, having a miscarriage. In Tweeting Your Miscarriage: Is Nothing Sacred? Melinda Henneberger writes: “Thus did 43-year-old Penelope Trunk, CEO of the aptly named “Brazen Careerist” blog, Twitter her recent miscarriage: “I’m in a board meeting. Having a miscarriage. Thank goodness, because there’s a f***-up 3-week hoop-jump to have an abortion in Wisconsin.” (The asterisks are mine, not hers.)  It seems a lot of people have the judgment that was too much information and were offended by it.  To them, I say, then don’t have that person on your Twitter stream.  And don’t care who else does.  Isn’t the point of a free country to be able to say what we want when we want?  It’s the same as tv: I have the right to mute or change channels when anything comes up that I don’t want to be subjected to.  And the broadcasters have the right to broadcast what they do and the producers have the right to have the actors say what they do.  People have a right to say what they want to say, and to share whatever intimate details of their life they want to share.  It is up to them to decide what is appropriate to share.  Just because it’s not something you want to know about them, doesn’t mean it’s not appropriate for them to say it.  And I personally would be much more offended by the violence on the news than by someone blogging the details of her own personal life.  I think she’s bold and courageous to be so open.

And after the media exposure, it’s gotta be good for business.

Or maybe that was the point.

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Vacation Time In Sunny Central Florida

MMM Sweet Honeysuckle

Mmm sweet honeysuckle

Autumn has officially arrived here in central Florida. Just before sundown yesterday, I noticed it was cooler outside than in, so I turned off the a/c and opened up all the windows.  That means we had only five months of summer heat and humidity this year – yay!  Right now it’s down to 65 degrees and 65% humidity – ideal snoozing weather!  Actually, anytime it’s less than 80% humidity, I like it, no matter what the temp.  Less than 70% – heaven!  One nice thing about getting to sleep with the windows open is that I can hear all the night critters as they make their way along the trails; the raccoons, the armadillos, opossums, squirrels and bunnies.  I can hear the frogs and the crickets, and the occasional car on the road.  I can hear the bamboo rustle and creak and I can smell the night blooming jasmine and honeysuckle growing outside my bedroom window.  All these things I miss for 5-6 months each year as I live inside in the a/c.  So when the first cool of autumn hits, to me that means vacation time. Continue reading