October 2024 Horoscopes

October 2024

The October 2024 Horizons is now online at Click here for the Oct 2024 Horizons.  Here are the horoscopes:

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

Aries: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some will go through the month smoothly, determined to improve their daily lives without encountering obstacles, while others will have to deal with certain elements of the past that may slow them down but with which they can cope without too much difficulty. Still, others can count on active support and a strong mindset to progress, but they should remember that in the family, not everyone always agrees.

Aries: Mood for October 2024
You may be shaken by circumstances that invite you to take a step back from negative emotions. Opt for a strategic approach to actions to move the situation in a positive direction.

Aries: Love for October 2024
If tensions rise in the family and you struggle to communicate smoothly with others, focus on a genuine desire to smooth things over and improve the situation to get out of the deadlock. By letting go of the past, you will have the best chance of calming spirits.

In a relationship: it’s not certain that you will truly flourish, as tense exchanges could disrupt the harmony between you and your loved ones. Avoid intervening without first considering the impact of your words and actions.

Single: it is probably within the family that issues may arise if jealousy and resentment are revived and spoil the atmosphere. To resolve what surfaces, start by honestly addressing sensitive issues.

Aries: Money for October 2024
If you have to deal with difficult day-to-day management, discuss with your loved ones to find a solution together rather than getting upset and causing chaos.

Aries: Work for October 2024
You are mainly concerned with family issues that leave you little time to innovate or shine professionally. To stay on track at work, do not hesitate to reach out to others and keep the dialogue open.

Aries: Leisure for October 2024
If you manage to escape a heavy family atmosphere for a moment, retreat into reading, and prioritize solo getaways in nature; it’s a great way to recharge.

Key dates
Aries: Key dates for October 2024
The 4th: a better understanding of what happened in the past could help you innovate in love, to surrender more or to better control your intense sensuality.
The 8th: communication flows well between you and others, and good humor prevails in exchanges. Take advantage of these good dispositions to improve your family ties.
The 14th: maintain friendly exchanges with those around you because if you raise your voice, it is unlikely to be appreciated. Do your best to elevate discussions and smooth things over.
The 22nd: reflection helps you shed light on the past, on events that continue to weigh you down. Some should be careful not to engage in power struggles with authority.
The 28th: if you aspire to improve your relationships, do not let past elements that could negatively interfere with your desires overwhelm you. In the family, your intuition guides you in the right direction.

Aries: Advice for October 2024
This is not a serene month; you will need to understand what is happening in your private life and what still pertains to a past that must be integrated or left behind.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19)

Taurus: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some exchange with sweetness and sensuality, exercising their power of seduction on those they like. Others need to manage their surroundings to gain support for a long-term project. Still, others are mobilizing to develop their potentials and defend their interests, avoiding tensions to achieve their ambitions.

Taurus: Mood for October 2024
Your diplomacy allows you to carry out your projects, but avoid showing your annoyance if you find others to be finicky.

Taurus: Love for October 2024
If you agree with your partner on a long-term project, avoid conflicts over daily details that might spoil the atmosphere. Make compromises.

In a relationship: If you agree on how to approach the future, stay attentive to potential problems and maintain your self-control.

Single: If you are working on a project that affects your future, rely on the support of others. Avoid contentious topics.

Taurus: Money for October 2024
Some negotiations might hit a wall at the end of the month; revise your ambitions downward to better accept the situation.

Taurus: Work for October 2024
If your charm works and you have convincing arguments, avoid raising your voice; differences in opinion may arise. At the end of the month, finances will be discussed.

Taurus: Leisure for October 2024
Discuss your perspectives and communicate with those you love.

Key dates
Taurus: Key dates for October 2024
6th: Don’t raise your voice to avoid hurting nearby sensitivities. Restrain your desire to dominate the debates and adapt to your audience.
8th: Stay attentive to your interlocutors, both private and professional partners, to finalize an agreement or sign a promising contract.
13th: Your great ambitions should not interfere with what is expected of you daily, and don’t try to force your way through.
16th: You can charm and captivate others by presenting an inspiring project that makes them want to join you on the adventure, especially if your prospects concern the well-being of the community.
25th: You have no shortage of arguments or determination to assert your uniqueness. You aspire to break free from the usual codes, but do so with tact.

Taurus: Advice for October 2024
Approach the month without getting upset or putting pressure on anyone. Cultivate team spirit and solidarity to overcome obstacles.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19)

Gemini: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some enjoy a cloudless daily life and sail through the month in peace, while others redouble their goodwill to prove to those around them that they are willing to cooperate, to put their talents at the service of the community, and to keep the dialogue open. Still, others, even as they embark on a new cycle of expansion, must be careful not to demand too much from others if they wish to maintain their popularity.

Gemini: Mood for October 2024
You’re in a somewhat gloomy mood as you need to make extra efforts to keep up. You are weighed down by a workload that prevents you from expressing your desires, causing you to suffer. However, now is not the time to assert yourself, and even less to complain.

Gemini: Love for October 2024
You rely on your personal charisma and your ability to support those around you selflessly to smooth out daily life and get through the month without trouble. If you struggle to communicate calmly, lower your tone and remain sensitive to the needs of others.

In a relationship: To navigate the month without being weighed down by a heavy atmosphere, stay open and considerate of your loved ones’ well-being rather than being overwhelmed by social concerns.

Single: Despite undeniable charm, you may find it difficult to feel completely available, free to surrender to the thrill of love. To get through the month without feeling lonely, cultivate a spirit of solidarity.

Gemini: Money for October 2024
No matter how much you ask for more or request a raise, you may face a setback. To plead your case, start by serving the company’s interests.

Gemini: Work for October 2024
A stern sky weighs on your social and professional life. You are burdened with responsibilities and tasks that you must face without shirking. Accept participating in the collective effort without seeking to defend your personal interests for now.

Gemini: Leisure for October 2024
If you manage to escape your responsibilities, indulge in a hobby, cultivate a creative activity, or a talent to maintain your self-confidence, which has been a bit tested lately.

Key dates
Gemini: Key dates for October 2024
The 2nd: The new moon encourages you to openly express your talents and enhances your personal charisma. This increased magnetism attracts success in love and business.
The 4th: You want to serve the company’s interests, and you put everything into innovating. Your superiors appreciate this.
The 8th: Your heart sings, your love life fulfills you, and your seductive power works, enough to lift your spirits. It’s the perfect time to present your best arguments and passionately plead your case.
The 14th: Don’t try to stand out from others; your bold projects could create divisions. Continue to work in the general interest without causing waves, as the best can become the enemy of the good.
The 22nd: Don’t overuse your current charisma to pressure those in power and with money to get more. Continue to work diligently without complaining. Your dedication and talents will eventually pay off.

Gemini: Advice for October 2024
To handle October at best, don’t put yourself too much in the spotlight, go with the flow, and temporarily give up defending your personal interests.

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21)

Cancer: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some are dedicated to serving those around them, while others use their charisma to pursue their ambitions, risking displeasure if they try to impose their will. Others, meanwhile, are quietly preparing a new cycle of growth and seeking to innovate with their family. They should consult their loved ones before deciding to launch their bold projects.

Cancer: Mood for October 2024
You are not lacking in ambition and are in search of an ideal to achieve. This aspiration could isolate you if you adopt a too rigid attitude and impose your worldview on others. Stay accessible and approachable.

Cancer: Love for October 2024
Count on Venus to meet your growing sentimental needs. This sky enhances your ideals, but also a rigidity that is not very compatible with the sensuality of love. If your heart seeks to open, a certain coldness restrains your impulses at the end of the month.

In a relationship: The sky raises your level of expectation. While Venus heightens your desire to please, it is not enough to fully warm the atmosphere, so relax.

Single: You do not play with love; you aspire to find someone who meets your high ambitions. Do not set the bar too high to avoid ending up alone.

Cancer: Money for October 2024
Your ambitious creations make an impression and earn you some successes. Persevere in your endeavors. Your energy and achievements will be appreciated and will enhance your credibility more than your finances.

Cancer: Work for October 2024
You are putting your talents at the service of the community, or even a personal ideal to achieve. While your initiatives and determination to showcase your abilities pay off, do not set yourself up as a model, at the risk of being seen as annoying.

Cancer: Leisure for October 2024
Rely on dynamic energy, combined with a desire to love and be loved, to warm the atmosphere and break out of your isolation. Your loved ones are just waiting for this to celebrate.

Key dates
Cancer: Key dates for October 2024
The 6th: Watch out for family tensions if you decide everything. Your loved ones do not like your initiatives and especially your methods. Be sure to consult them before making decisions.
The 13th: You will not maintain harmony at home if you do not keep the dialogue open; do not hurt susceptibilities.
The 16th: Count on an ideal climate to achieve your emotional ambitions. Whether you want to evolve your current relationships or find the rare gem, now is the time to keep your eyes and heart open.
The 25th: Your energy is contagious, one of your projects takes off. Rely on your natural authority and enthusiasm to rally support around a bold project.
The 28th: Serve the common cause to avoid cooling the atmosphere by displaying ideals that are seen as too austere or unattainable. On the other hand, some know how to motivate their team to embark on their dream.

Cancer: Advice for October 2024
October invites you to smooth things over, to show what you are capable of without becoming obsessed with unattainable perfection.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21)

Leo: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some prioritize their family life and have every chance of having a good time with those they love. Others positively improve the atmosphere at home, which has been somewhat weighed down by material problems. Still, others quietly but effectively communicate about an exciting project they are advocating for.

Leo: Mood for October 2024
To effectively manage your communication, avoid being overwhelmed by latent aggression that impairs the quality of your exchanges. Stay attentive and do your best to improve your connections.

Leo: Love for October 2024
You are evolving your family situation, your connections are changing, allowing you to break away from past conditioning. If you manage events smoothly, beware of interventions that could be displeasing.

In a relationship: Ensure to gently intervene in family matters to improve the atmosphere at home, taking advantage of lessons learned from the past, and to establish a better foundation.

Single: Do your best to convey your messages smoothly within the family. Remove some barriers without raising your voice.

Leo: Money for October 2024
If financial difficulties hinder your progress, try to explain it to your loved ones and seek solutions together. If you keep everything to yourself, you may tend to lash out at everyone.

Leo: Work for October 2024
Until the 11th, Mars encourages you to act covertly, not revealing your intentions. If a recently launched project seems stalled, do not force anything and patiently wait for the right moment to bounce back.

Leo: Leisure for October 2024
If you hit a wall, it’s with your loved ones that you’ll find the comfort you seek. There’s no need to blow the budget by organizing a family meal; a little walk in the forest is enough.

Key dates
Leo: Key dates for October 2024
The 4th: By smoothly conveying your messages within the family, you’ll best succeed in overcoming recurring obstacles that hinder your family fulfillment. Keep going in this direction.
The 8th: There’s good rapport between you and your loved ones. You find the right arguments to convince them to believe in you and follow you in the pursuit of your enticing projects.
The 14th: Avoid pressuring those around you to win support. However, if you tantalize them with exciting prospects, you’ll convince them.
The 17th: It’s through benevolent actions that you can make a difference within the family. The full moon invites you to believe in your dreams and broaden your horizons.
The 30th: Take the time to discuss with your loved ones about a career plan evolution that could disrupt family norms. Don’t impose a change on them that you haven’t prepared them for.

Leo: Advice for October 2024
If you feel like nothing is moving, evolve your family ties to understand together what’s blocking and tighten ranks around a challenge to overcome.

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

Virgo: Astral Climate for Oct 2024
While some hope to navigate the month in harmony with their surroundings and loved ones, others, facing difficulties in their interactions, must find the words to restore things. Alongside their social ascent, they must nurture a love life undergoing significant changes.

Virgo: Mood for October 2024
You understand that to warm up the atmosphere, you must take a step towards others and lower your tone. To open up the future to your ideas, don’t alienate anyone. Initiate discussions and do your best to elevate them.

Virgo: Love for October 2024
If you find it challenging to communicate with your partner, rely on Venus to infuse your exchanges with tenderness. Reconnect through discussing a shared project. Towards the end of the month, if the connection is there, increase your listening and delicacy to ensure understanding.

In a relationship: The most crucial aspect is to keep the dialogue open between you and your partner. Approach it gently, and do your best to gather support from your loved ones.

Single: If you struggle to connect with others, leverage the planetary influences of the month to thaw the atmosphere by employing gentle methods to communicate positively and constructively.

Virgo: Money for October 2024
You have a project in mind, but you demand the freedom to finance it. It’s uncertain whether those you’re in business with will allow you this freedom.

Virgo: Work for October 2024
Your professional relationships are not immune to the austere, even frustrating atmosphere prevailing in your exchanges. Restore a creative dialogue and avoid imposing your prerogatives in an authoritarian manner. By remaining attentive to others, you’ll succeed in making yourself heard.

Virgo: Leisure for October 2024
It’s by championing motivating perspectives that you truly feel alive. You mobilize to inspire those whose support you hope for without too much resistance.

Key dates
Virgo: Key dates for October 2024
The 6th: Don’t pressure those financially supporting you and finding you demanding. Lower your tone.
The 8th: You know how to utilize and express your talents to strengthen your career plan. It’s time to negotiate to your advantage, convince, or even charm.
The 16th: There’s a connection between you and the other. Whether it’s a private or professional partner, you enchant them, rallying them to your cause.
The 22nd: It’s through thoughtful communication and developed arguments that you restore the dialogue. The other is receptive to your honesty.
The 28th: Your determination to carry out a project resonates with others; you inspire your surroundings. Within the family, some must employ gentle methods to thaw the atmosphere and restart discussions.

Virgo: Advice for October 2024
Rely on tact and delicacy to make others aware of your projects. If you experience communication difficulties, strive to restore the flow gently, without force.

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21)

Libra: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some communicate with delicacy and negotiate in their favor. Others leverage their talents to smooth things over and warm up a somewhat austere atmosphere. Finally, some forcefully pursue their ambitions but need to dial down their demands to achieve their goals without too much difficulty.

Libra: Mood for October 2024
You feel your spirits lifting, your inspiration returning; you regain confidence in yourself and your ability to take on overwhelming tasks and responsibilities. Beware of certain remarks that could backfire.

Libra: Love for October 2024
If the daily grind weighs you down, rely on your resources to lighten the mood, to find ways to facilitate communication, and to come up with solutions to break free from the deadlock. However, your messages aren’t always well-received, and you’re not immune to tensions or the return of gloominess.

In a relationship: you struggle to manage everyday affairs, to escape from a burdensome routine; regain confidence in yourself and your resources to keep your head above water.

Single: this isn’t the best month of the year to exercise your charms. Your priority is to mobilize your talents to cope with an uninspiring routine.

Libra: Money for October 2024
This is where you have the most luck. If you’re struggling to meet the demands of daily life, showcase your talents.

Libra: Work for October 2024
It’s time to tap into the resources within you that will allow you to score points. You can draw the attention of your superiors by redoubling your efforts to show what you’re capable of. But don’t get cocky, risking irritation from your higher-ups.

Libra: Leisure for October 2024
Everyday affairs continue to weigh down your routine. If you manage to escape for a moment, cultivate your talents to dispel the cloudy cover.

Key dates
Libra: Key dates for October 2024
The 2nd: the new moon in your sign invites you to launch a new cycle of expansion. It’s not the time to doubt but rather to project yourself into perspectives that call upon your talents and the expression of boldness.
The 6th: avoid asking for too much if you don’t want to displease a hierarchy that, while appreciating your expertise, dislikes you trying to force their hand.
The 13th: don’t seek to dominate family discussions where recurring issues need to be approached gently.
The 16th: rely on your potential to influence those around you to your advantage. You can charm, seduce, and create a friendly atmosphere. It’s the perfect moment.
The 22nd: negotiate considering a tight budget and don’t impose your own point of view on your loved ones if you don’t want to complicate exchanges.

Libra: Advice for October 2024
October favors your resurgence if you maintain confidence and use your talents to meet the challenges posed by a somewhat gloomy daily life.

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20)

Scorpio: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some appetites are increasing, with the prospect of a new cycle of expansion. In this supportive context of their aspirations, they must be careful not to abuse their power of seduction to demand more than is offered to them. Some take advantage of opportunities to renew their existence, but they must play fair to progress without sowing mistrust.

Scorpio: Mood for October 2024
You are riding on less restrictive currents; it’s time to showcase yourself, to reconnect with the pleasure of creating, to trust those you love. Certain tendencies were a bit forgotten lately; you were a prisoner of frustrating constraints.

Scorpio: Love for October 2024
Count on your radiance to warm the atmosphere between you and the chosen one of your heart or between you and your children, rekindling enthusiasm on the emotional level. Others are more inclined towards criticism than passionate impulses. A return to austerity is not to be ruled out.

In a relationship: the desire to love and to be loved is reborn. Rely on your charm to reignite the embers and reconnect with the dizzying feeling of love, while awaiting a month-end that is probably less glamorous.

Single: currently, if you feel alone in the world, use your seduction to break free from your condition, even if frustration unfortunately remains on the agenda.

Scorpio: Money for October 2024
If your radiance allows you to evolve, don’t expect to reconnect with abundance. Don’t throw money out the window, or you might find yourself short at the end of the month.

Scorpio: Work for October 2024
More inspired, you are more likely to push the limits that restrain your potentials. You benefit from a little more freedom and space to assert your ambitions. Except at the end of the month when a lack of means could hold you back.

Scorpio: Leisure for October 2024
Take advantage of feeling better to push your limits, to surpass yourself, even to take some risks. Organize a mountain hike, a rally, or any activity that will make you feel like you’re reclaiming your power.

Key dates
Scorpio: Key dates for October 2024
The 6th: Assert your claims by nuancing your approach to avoid being slowed down, criticized, or schemed against behind your back.
The 8th: Your charm allows you to influence your hierarchy and evolve your love stories. In the background, some events favor the emergence of a new cycle of expansion.
The 13th: Some verbal slip-ups could backfire on you and your interests. Avoid gossip, unless you yourself are the victim of sneaky attacks. Stay on guard.
The 16th: A harmonious atmosphere prevails; you feel in harmony with the other. A conducive ambiance to tender impulses and declarations, shared dreams, a common ideal. Whether in terms of emotions or your potentials, you are inspired and inspiring.
The 25th: You can persuade your partners to follow you; they are eager for novelty, broader horizons, they appreciate your proposals to push the boundaries of the possible.

Scorpio: Advice for October 2024
Venus reinforces your personal radiance, regain confidence in yourself and in your ability to believe in life, don’t let yourself be discouraged.

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20)

Sagittarius: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some benefit from charisma and work behind the scenes to gracefully open a new cycle of expansion. Others face family problems that they creatively address by stepping back from events. Still, others experience happy events but need to understand that their budget has limits.

Sagittarius: Mood for October 2024
Count on your ability to contain your emotions, to act only after careful consideration to manage family friction. Avoid deciding alone what would be best for everyone and using your charm to gain favor.

Sagittarius: Love for October 2024
You are evolving a delicate family situation by acting discreetly but effectively, by stepping back, and by resisting the temptation to act too impulsively. If you control your emotions, you will succeed in innovating smoothly.

In a relationship: Avoid intervening hastily, risking to dampen the family atmosphere. Prefer to move forward with caution.

Single: You are seeking the best way to approach certain family difficulties, to resolve lingering sensitive situations. Avoid rushing anyone.

Sagittarius: Money for October 2024
Do not overstep your bounds, tensions could arise if you forget the spirit of teamwork.

Sagittarius: Work for October 2024
Some family matters occupy your mind, but rely on your determination to influence an ongoing project. You redouble your efforts to get your way but tone it down to avoid losing valuable support.

Sagittarius: Leisure for October 2024
The current situation encourages you to prioritize reflection over action. Take advantage of this period of withdrawal to read, dream, and escape mentally.

Key dates
Sagittarius: Key dates for October 2024
The 2nd: The new moon puts your future in the spotlight. It’s time to make plans considering your resources and possible obstacles to not evade to properly direct your future.
The 6th: Do not pressure those who hold the funds and who will remind you if you exceed the limits.
The 14th: A project, prospects to consider together. Whether you decide to marry or to partner up, everything you undertake presents itself under the best auspices.
The 17th: It is by working behind the scenes, discreetly deploying your potential and talents, that you score points. Rely on your benevolence to motivate those who secretly defend your interests.
The 28th: You overcome a certain opacity in your family relationships. Rely on your natural authority to uncover certain secrets, clarify certain gray areas.

Sagittarius: Advice for October 2024
Only initiatives taken without haste, considering their impact, will positively evolve things. Renounce any decision made in haste.

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Capricorn: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some are scrutinizing their emotions, delving into their hearts to prepare for a new cycle of emotional life. Others are communicating around a project to overcome a difficulty, engaging in spontaneous and warm exchanges. Finally, some are riding favorable currents that improve their daily lives if they refrain from putting pressure on others.

Capricorn: Mood for October 2024
If you reconnect with those you love and envision a bright future with them, you’re not inclined to make concessions and assert yourself without reserve.

Capricorn: Love for October 2024
If you struggle to communicate and find yourself withdrawing a bit, rely on Venus to break out of your shell and connect with those you love. A charming project brings you together and encourages you to assert yourself.

In a relationship: you are more open to exchanges, certain perspectives inspire you, and urge you to abandon your reserve. Avoid hurting anyone by closing yourself off like an oyster.

Single: you break out of your silence to initiate discussions about an exciting project. Unless some loyal companions manage to cheer you up by involving you in their world.

Capricorn: Money for October 2024
If you need anything, you get it. Your offensive determination serves you well in effectively pleading your case.

Capricorn: Work for October 2024
You wield arguments capable of leaving an impression, asserting your ideas and trying to convince your partners to adhere to them. With such appealing prospects, you might succeed.

Capricorn: Leisure for October 2024
Rely on your circle to come together around a unanimously appealing project. You delight in appealing prospects or delightful shared moments.

Key dates
Capricorn: Key dates for October 2024
The 4th: you break away from cold, contained exchanges with those around you by communicating about a unifying project, likely to pleasantly warm the atmosphere.
The 8th: you put pressure on those who can contribute to the development of your plans, and you show conviction. It’s time to show what you’re capable of.
The 16th: the rapport between you and those you love is good. A shared vision of the future brings you closer, and you find the words to encourage others to take off with you.
The 22nd: you communicate rigorously to set your projects on the right track. There’s no question of embellishing the picture, but rather of assuming your responsibilities. Avoid taking yourself too seriously.
The 30th: to avoid giving off too eccentric an image, don’t overdo it with originality that might quickly be labeled as eccentricity.

Capricorn: Advice for October 2024
On one hand, the sky urges you to assert your needs, to convince, but on the other hand, it invites you to share precious moments in pleasant company. These tendencies aren’t necessarily antagonistic if you put your offensive energy at the service of a common project.

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17)

Aquarius: Astral Climate for Oct 2024
Dreams fill the minds of some, and tender projects seem to come to fruition. It’s also an opportunity to take the forefront professionally. However, others must contend with a tight budget to hope to impress those in high places without being overly optimistic. Still, some rely on their popularity and creativity to achieve their ambitions, whether in business or love.

Aquarius: Mood for October 2024
Opt for a nuanced approach with your surroundings to avoid alienating those who could be useful in supporting your ambitions. Stay patient despite the urge to speed things up; keep your tone down. Remain available and helpful.

Aquarius: Love for October 2024
Your social ambitions take precedence over your quest for love. Even though one doesn’t necessarily hinder the other, you expend more energy trying to impress the hierarchy than to please your partner.

In a relationship: you’re not very present at home; explain to your beloved that you’re focusing on advancing with your superior to meet your demands.

Single: more inclined to use your seductive power for more practical purposes than truly romantic ones, your primary goal is to charm your superiors to garner their support for your ambitions.

Aquarius: Money for October 2024
The sky limits your means and encourages you to save rather than spend recklessly. If your requests are granted, you’ll have to make do with little.

Aquarius: Work for October 2024
Strive to prove to those in charge that you can serve the company’s interests as much as your own. You’ll gain more by charming than by forcing anyone’s hand.

Aquarius: Leisure for October 2024
Venus increases your desire to shine in society. Don’t hesitate to frequent circles that could foster your expansion to attract attention to yourself.

Key dates
Aquarius: Key dates for October 2024
The 6th: don’t overdo it; others perceive that you’re working solely for your own benefit, so tone it down if you don’t want to displease.
The 13th: past failures, doubts, complexes, and a certain lack of self-confidence interfere with the realization of your otherwise legitimate ambitions. Avoid overthinking and especially ruminating.
The 17th: rely on your charisma to strengthen your popularity and make those who observe you want to defend your interests. The full moon favors communication; it’s not the time to stay silent.
The 25th: you spare no effort to evolve your situation and innovate within your family. If you want to break free from past conditioning, take action.
The 28th: you’re striving to exploit and express your potentials. This broadening of your skills promotes the improvement of your income. However, others must revise their projects downward.

Aquarius: Advice for October 2024
If you rely on your charm to get ahead, keep in mind that the numbers are decreasing. So, take it easy.

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18)

Pisces: Astral Climate for October 2024
Some aspire to broaden their horizons and have the means to do so. Others need to avoid focusing on themselves if they want to be followed without reluctance. Some strive to improve their living conditions and convince those around them of their good intentions. It’s up to them to be persuasive.

Pisces: Mood for October 2024
Saturn darkens your vision, but Venus warms the atmosphere this month. Step out of your shell without imposing your opinions.

Pisces: Love for October 2024
It’s time to temper your demands; October brings more flexibility to evolve your connections and seek the rare gem. Avoid trying to impose your desires on others.

In a relationship: Venus reinforces your desire to give meaning to your loves and elevate discussions. Express this longing for the absolute without excessive pressure on your partner.

Single: Venus encourages you to break out of your shell to reconnect with the outside world. Your romantic ambitions are rising, but avoid excessive demands.

Pisces: Money for October 2024
Avoid putting pressure on those who serve your interests. A subtle approach will increase your chances of persuasion.

Pisces: Work for October 2024
In the midst of inner reconstruction, explore new perspectives, broaden your horizons, and assert your ambitions. Use your talents without manipulating anyone to achieve your goals.

Pisces: Leisure for October 2024
Take advantage of your desire for openness for a beneficial getaway, both physically and morally. Venture out and break free from your routine.

Key dates
Pisces: Key dates for October 2024
The 4th: More demanding on the emotional front, you aspire to find the rare gem that will meet your expectations and be in line with the maturity you’ve gained over time.
The 8th: You have set criteria that the other must meet. Whether you’re already in a relationship or searching for a soulmate, you allow no compromises on this ideal to achieve. Within the family, bonds evolve positively.
The 14th: Things are evolving within the family, with a child on the way, a move that changes everything… Don’t impose anything on others without prior discussion.
The 22nd: You have no shortage of arguments to assert your ambitions, but don’t pressure those who hold the funds if you want to maintain their support.
The 28th: You are investing to fulfill a dream, to reach an ideal. Whether in the emotional or creative realm, you’re nearing the goal. But avoid flaunting yourself in society, risking arousing animosity.

Pisces: Advice for October 2024
Open yourself to new perspectives. Get some fresh air and lighten the mood.


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