Page 14 - Horizons
P. 14

FROM THE HEART                                       what serves me, and away from what is not in my best inter-
                                                                 est. Evolution makes certain activities obnoxious for a good

                          Alan Cohen is the author of The Grace Factor:   reason, while it makes other endeavors very tasty.
                          Opening the Door to Infinite Love.  Become a   Perhaps you, too, have questioned or judged yourself for being
                          certified professional life coach though Alan’s   too sensitive or not feeling at home in the mainstream. When I
                          transformational Life Coach Training beginning   ask my seminar audiences, “How many of you believe or have
                          September 1. For more information about this pro-  been told that you’re weird?” Almost everyone raises their
                          gram, his books and videos, free daily inspirational   hand.
                          quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show,
                                                                 I want to offer you a radical way of looking at your sensitiv-
            When Weird becomes Wonderful                         ity and dissatisfaction with the mainstream: It’s not you that
                                                                 it weird. It is the world. A Course in Miracles tells us that
                                                                 the world we have invented is the inverse of the way we are
            I remember the first time I could no longer toler-   supposed to live. What is wrong seems right and what is right
            ate what used to be acceptable.  After watching a movie   seems wrong.
            that showed a character being shot and throwing up, I felt
            nauseous. This was not long after I started on my spiritual   The world is like a photographic negative where black appears
            path, meditating, doing yoga, and lightening my diet. Until   white and white appears black, and what you look at makes no
            that time I could watch any film with violence, war, or creepy   sense. So accept your oddity as confirmation from Spirit that
            monsters. I grew up in a New Jersey housing project, which   you are on the right track. As British playwright Tom Stoppard
            effectively desensitized me to anything that would bother   wrote, “It’s the best possible time to be alive, when almost
            most people. In college I was in a party fraternity; nothing you   everything you thought you knew is wrong!”
            could do could gross me out.
                                                                 So now what? Do you just hide in a cave and wait for the world
            How I felt after that movie was at turning point. From then   to change so you can fit into it?  That will probably not happen
            on, things that used to be fun or entertaining seemed heavy   anytime soon. In the meantime, here are some things you can
            or pointless. My friends changed and I quit hanging out in   know and do until the world catches up with sanity.
            conversations of complaint. The kinds of entertainment that
            appealed to me changed. I lightened my diet.  All that letting   1. Be extremely honest about what empowers you and what
            go made space for new friends and more rewarding activities.   debilitates you. Tell the truth about what is “It” for you and
            I was going through a spiritual evolution. If you are reading   what is “Not It.” Let your preferences about where you find
            this article, you know exactly what I am talking about.   yourself propel you to where you want to be.
            Over the years that process has not stopped. It has acceler-  2. Trust that you are being guided. You don’t need to apolo-
            ated. Now a lot of what used to seem like fun brings me down.  gize for your perfect evolution. If you believe in your intuition,
            I don’t engage in joke telling sessions. Mall seem like another   you will be nurtured, sheltered, and directed.  Don’t overthink
            planet. Television and the news are surreal. Dee and I peruse   your promptings. Be open to clear knowing.
            streaming movie service menus, and we are hard-pressed to
            find movies we value. We can sometimes ferret out something   3. Act on your guidance. Say yes to what works and no to
            of interest, but only after extensive digging. We look at the   what doesn’t work. Most people can benefit from setting
            offerings, scratch our heads, and wonder, “Who would pay to   healthier boundaries. Remember that a “no” to what is Not It
            watch a movie like that?”                            is a “yes” to what is It.

            Part of my mind questions if I am being too picky or a snob.   4. Don’t be afraid to let go of what you have outgrown.
            But I can’t make believe I can do stuff that leaves me feeling   Many of my coaching clients report that they have old friends
            awful. I have to trust that my inner being is guiding me toward  they don’t enjoy being with anymore. These friends want to
                                                                 continue a pattern of gossip and negativity, and my clients
                                                                 feel guilty about saying no to invitations to which they have
               Are you considered a “Medical Mystery”?           traditionally said yes. If you can upgrade the relationship with
                            Try something new...                 loving communication, do so. If not, follow the river around
                                                                 the next bend.

                                                                 5. Cultivate new connections, activities, and habits that
                                                                 match your evolution. When Dee and I can’t find a movie, we
                                                                 watch a spiritual seminar video, listen to music, play with the
               PAIRED PRACTITIONER PROGRAM ©                     dogs, look at the stars, walk in nature, or talk about things
               *Two talented MedHealers using multiple   Schmalhofer,   important. I miss none of what I have left behind.
                  therapies in an expansive one hour session.  LMT
                772-559-1993           While I honor my own evolution, I also honor everyone’s
                     License: MA74941  choices. We are all on our perfect learning curve. If that curve
                                                                 takes you around a new bend, let it.
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