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P. 15

ASK WHITEDOVE                                        Dear Michelle,
                                                                 For a few years now, I have been stalked on social media
                                                                 sites  by  several muscle  head  guys.  I  have  been  made  fun
                              Got a burning question? Celebrity Psychic and   of about my looks and smarts. I’m an adult who has some
                              Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here   learning  disabilities.   I  get  really depressed  because  these
                              to help.  Lifetime TV named her “America’s
                              #1 Psychic” on “America’s Psychic Challenge.”  people  have  threatened  me  and  say  really  mean  things.  I
                              Her books include: Ghost Stalker: A Psychic   don’t understand because I am a nice guy. My Dad says I
                              Medium Visits America’s Most Haunted Sites   should  get  off  of  Facebook  because  they  always  hurt  my
                              • Ghost Stalker Two: A Psychic Medium Visits   feelings. But I have good and nice friends from all over that
                              Europe’s Most Haunted Castles • She Talks   I would never be able to talk to again.  Why are people so
                              with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s Guide into
                              the Spirit World • Angels Are Talking: A   mean?
                              Psychic Medium Relays Messages from the
                              Heavens • My Invisible Friends
                              Visit    Dearest,
                                                                 In God’s eyes we are all created equal. You my friend came here
                                                                 to be an example to others because you know how to show love
            Dear Michelle,                                       and kindness to everyone. Your heart is full of love and your
            I’ve recently felt uneasy in my home. I’m writing you be-  mind is filled with fun and creative thoughts.  I see that you in-
            cause last night I  saw a dark shadow in my bedroom. What  tuitively live by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would
            can I do to get rid of this negative energy that is coming  have them do unto you.”
            around me? I’d be most appreciative of any advice you can
            give.                                                How sad life must be for these guys to lash out at people they
                                                                 don’t know. Man’s cruelty to one another only serves as kar-
            Dearest,                                             mic lessons: meaning these guys will only understand when they
            You have the power to vanquish this negative energy from your  are experiencing what they have done to you.  Be assured that
            personal space.  It’s time to do some spiritual housecleaning.  mean people will experience their negative Karma from some-
            Now get a white sage bundle for smudging and a big box or two  one else and then hopefully they will learn the importance of
            of Sea Salt or Kosher Salt. This is a simple yet prayerful cer-  kindness and good deeds.
            emony, so do it with reverence.
                                                                 Please give your father this message from me. I’d ask that he
            First light the sage on fire, and then blow it out to create a  report any and all messages from bullies and cyber-stalkers be-
            sacred smoke that is used to help clear negative energy. This  cause they should be banned from social media. You just keep
            is called smudging. Say a prayer to God and ask Archangel Mi-  being the bright ball of love and light: always know that you are
            chael for assistance also. Give thanks to Great Spirit for protec-  an asset to this world!  Keep doing the right thing!
            tion and the cleansing of your aura and your home. (Archangel
            Michael is the warrior angel that God put in charge of protect-  Dear Michelle.
            ing our physical body and our soul)                  I’ve been involved in a paranormal group for years and now
                                                                 I am starting a new group to do some local investigating.
            Pray that any negative energy will be repelled from your house  Do you have any spiritual advice for the amateurs who have
            and only love and light energy is allowed to enter.   As you are  interest in ghost hunting?
            praying, give thanks and walk through each room of your home
            while fanning the cleansing smoke.  Be sure to keep a fireproof  Dearest,
            bowl handy such as a terracotta pot to set it in once you are  I say this with all seriousness, anyone who cannot see a way-
            done with the smoke.                                 ward soul and sense the intention of a spirit is an amateur and is
                                                                 inviting danger.  Having an authentic Psychic-Medium join your
            Next you’ll do a second walkthrough, only this time while pray-  paranormal  investigative  group  would  be  beneficial,  this  way
            ing you’ll be pouring a small pile of salt in all four corners of  you’ll know if you are walking into a Beetlejuice scenario or an
            your bedrooms, living room and kitchen. I suggest that you do  Amityville horror.  Yes, really!
            this to all four corners of every room.  Natural sea salt absorbs
            and transmutes negative energy; It also has cleansing and heal-  For your protection, always wear a cross or another spiritual
            ing properties. Be sure to leave it on the floor; do not vacuum  symbol of God. Before entering a haunted location, shield up
            up, it will naturally dissipate.                     in prayer and group prayer would be even more potent to come
                                                                 from a spiritual place of power.  Do this because you don’t want
             Lastly, also draw a line of salt across your doorway threshold,  to leave with an attachment; this is serious business, posses-
            front door and back entrances.  This will stop negative energy  sions can happen just as often as working with a Ouija board.
            from entering. If you live in a freestanding home you can draw
            a complete ring of salt around the perimeter outside of your  Ghost hunting is a popular fad but the reality is that Ghosts are
            home.  Once complete, you’ll feel a difference in the energy, a  confused or fearful of going into the light of Heaven. Watching a
            lightness and a positive vibration!                  meter for cold spots or catching an orb on film is of little value,
                                                                 if your goal was to help the soul to cross over – now that would
                                                                 be meaningful work.

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