Page 17 - Horizons
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ABRAHAM FUN                                                               PSYCHIC/MEDIUM

                            Karen Money Williams is a longtime student of
                            the Abraham-Hicks perspective, and she and                    DEVELOPMENT
                            Mark hold Abraham discussion meetings in their   To Promote the Religion,
                            home in Winter Springs, FL. Join “Abraham    Science, and Philosophy   CLASSES
                            Fun” group on FB and like her FB page,
                            “Soulsongs by Karen Money Williams.”     of Spiritualism  MELBOURNE
                                              TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ST  7-9:30 PM

                                                                                     THURSDAY, AUGUST 3RD 7– 9:30 PM
                            SOULSONG #187                                            FRIDAY,  AUGUST 4TH 11:00 AM-1:30 PM
                 WORKING IN THE FIELD                                                 GAINESVILLE
                                                                                     SATURDAY, AUGUST 5TH 2-4:30 PM

                If I’ve been beating my head against the             IFSK Director   JACKSONVILLE
                wall, trying without success to make a               Marilyn Jenquin   WEDNESDAY,   AUGUST 23RD 7-9:30 PM
                                                                                    THURSDAY,  AUGUST 24TH 1-3:30 PM
                particular thing happen in my life, I consider        Private       THURSDAY,  AUGUST 24TH 7-9:30 PM
                re-directing my efforts. I begin to ease off trying   Readings
                to force the issue, whether it regards a relationship,   BY APPOINTMENT   Check out the website or
                work, health, leisure, or finances. Instead, I shift my                 phone us for more information
                energies to cleaning up the environment.
                Well, not the literal environment, although that’s
                not a bad idea. But my most immediate and
                important environment is the one created by my       407-247-7823
                thoughts. And therein lies my most immediate and
                important work.
                The overall positive/negative quality of my thoughts
                creates an electromagnetic field of sorts around

                me. Nothing comes in unless the field allows it,   High Springs Emporium
                and the field recognizes only that which has a
                vibration similar to its own. The very thing I desire is   North Central Florida’s ONLY Rock Shop
                waiting, this moment, to be allowed entrance. But   The most unusual store in town.
                heretofore, my field has not vibrated on the same   Rocks, Crystals, Gifts, Jewelry
                happiness level as my happy desire.
                                                                  THE HEAT IS ON!
                My work is before me: a little more contentment   Come cool off at the High Springs Emporium.
                here, a little appreciation there, some shrugging-  Cool springs and cool rocks for everyone!
                off/laughing off irritations, a bit of seeing the   • Himalayan quartz clusters and
                proverbial glass as half-full. This is how my heartfelt   points
                wishes arrive.                                    • Crystal clear polished Brazilian
                                                                  • Iceland spar optical calcite
                                                                  • Flower of Life gridding tem-
              SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne                    • Large AAA abalone shells
                                We Welcome All To                 • Ethiopian emeralds - new find
                                                                  • Blue hemimorphite from China
              Spiritualism +                                           Late Summer Sale -
               Mediumship      Sunday 10 AM services                All Corinthian Bells* Wind
               Classes $10    1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901  Chimes 20% off all month!  Malachite with chrysocolla, Congo
                                Spirit Messages - Healing Service
                Thursdays       Guest Speakers • Private Readings   School's just around the corner!
               6:30-8:30 pm      $15/15 minutes after Services    Bring the kids to the Emporium for a summer's end treat.
                                      321-419-6262                   OPEN Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm and Sunday noon-5 pm
                                  19765 NW US Highway 441• High Springs, FL 32643
                  Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne  386-454-8657

                 Horizons Magazine by mail  $24/12 issues  Read online at   Page 17
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