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                                 Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the
                                 angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than
                                 50 books about angels and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and
                                 Messages from Your Angels books and angel oracle cards.  Visit

             Not everyone "hears" angelic voices as an au-
             dible sound. Many people receive divine messages    We heal this type of thinking through faith, trust, and prac-
             through nonverbal means such as visions, feelings,   tice. If your faith in angels is uncertain, ask God to help you.
             or a knowingness.                                   Pray, "Please help me to have more faith. I am willing to
                                                                 release all of my fears which keep me from having full faith."
             Hearing the voice of God and the angels is called "clairaudi-  The Divine universe always fulfills requests for more faith.
             ence," which means "clear hearing."
                                                                 Angelic voices are consistently loving and supportive, even
                                                                 when they warn us of impending dangers or wrong turns. As a
             The voice may sound like your own or it may sound different.
             The voice can emanate from within your body, within your   psychotherapist, I was trained to believe that hearing voices
             mind, or sound as if it's outside your head. When an angel   was a sign of insanity. Yet, the voice of the ego is the only
             warned me that my car was about to be stolen, his voice   source of "insanity."
             sounded as if he were talking through a paper towel tube,
             just outside my right ear.                          Ego voice messages are always destructive, abusive, and
                                                                 impulsive. For example, the ego may try to convince you that
             An hour later, when I found myself in the middle of a carjack-  you'll fail. The ego also changes its mind constantly, so it will
             ing, the same angel guided my life-saving actions by speak-  tell you to do one thing Monday, another thing Tuesday, and
             ing to me through an inner voice. While receiving the angel   a completely different thing Wednesday. If you listen to the
             messages in my book, Angel Therapy, I heard the words both   voice of the ego, your life will be chaotic and fear-filled.
             inside and outside my mind.
                                                                 Angelic voices, in contrast, patiently repeat the guidance to
                                                                 us day after day, until we finally follow it. You may hear your
             You might hear a faint voice and wonder what it said. In such
             cases, go ahead and ask your angels to repeat their message.   angels tell you for years that you would be a great healer or
             Say to them, "A little louder, please." The angels appreciate   author, for example. Or your angels may repeatedly ask you to
             your feedback, as they want to deliver clear and understand-  take better care of your body.
             able guidance.
                                                                 You know that guidance comes from angels when it is loving,
                                                                 focused, not hurtful to you or your family, and consistent.
             At first, you may believe that the voice is your imagination
             and wishful thinking. This is especially true when you be-
             gin consciously interacting with angels. You think, "This is a   Clairaudience is just one-fourth of the ways we receive angelic
             fantasy. I wish it were true that angels would help me, but I'm   assistance, however. Your angels may speak to you in pictures
             probably doing something wrong and the angels won't notice   and visual mental images. We call this "clairvoyance" or "clear
             me."                                                seeing."
                                                                 Angelic messages may come to you as single snapshot im-
                                                                 ages, either in your mind or outside your mind. Or, you may
                                                                 see miniature scenes, as if from a movie. The images may be
               Join us on                                        black-and-white or full color. Angelic visual messages can be
                                                                 symbolic, such as seeing a stop sign as a signal that you should
                                                                 take a rest, slow down, or stop what you are doing.
                                          Gifts, Books, Cards,   Intuitively, you might readily understand what the visual im-
                                            Crystals, Candles,   ages mean. For instance, you might see an image of a trophy
                                            Incense, jewelry,
                                                                 and instinctively, you know this means that success is ahead
                                            Salt Lamps, More     for you. If you have trouble understanding your angelic visual
             Energy Healing                 3491 Pall Mall Drive
             Readings                    Jacksonville, Florida 32257              ...continued on page 28...
             Classes      904-292-4555

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