Page 11 - 10-18-Issue
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Seth is the nonphysical spiritual teacher who spoke through the author Jane Roberts. Seth pre-
sented the furthest reaches of human potential, the eternal validity of the soul, and the concept
that we create our own reality according to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Seth taught to
access and use the tremendous source of power, wisdom within you.
Verbalization is not a basic method of communi-
cation for "higher" forms of consciousness, nor
is it for lower forms of consciousness. It is only at KIM TROSPER
your particular intermediate state that verbalization as such is
so important. It is a main basis for your species. Empowerment Coach
Because of its importance at your particular stage, it is an Sassy Woman Coaching
excellent method for our purposes. In many other systems of WHAT'S YOUR SASSY?
reality, verbalization is never adopted, for it is in many ways
I support women in recognizing their self-worth, getting clarity
In some systems, colors are used as a prime method of com- in what they want and how to use their voice to get it.
munication. They are sent out telepathically, each gradation FREE BOOK
of such variety that you cannot now imagine it. These intricate "You Were Meant to F.L.Y."
color communications follow the almost endless emotional First Love Yourself At under Freebies tab
shadings possible.
It is difficult to verbalize this concept. They have to begin with
more spectrums than those with which you are familiar. They
live in an entirely different sense universe.
As you, for example, attempt to blend colors to give an effect, High Springs Emporium
they telepathically send out a continual stream of ever-chang-
ing colors. Such a concept as a sentence would be meaningless North Central Florida’s ONLY Rock Shop
to them, and yet pattern is involved in the colors so that the The most unusual store in town
shape and form of a color also has meaning. Rocks, Crystals, Gifts, Jewelry
The analogy may be a poor one in that it says so little, and yet FALL COLORS EVERYWHERE!
it will be helpful in giving you the idea.
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Instead of nouns, for example, you would have the shape of nights and Halloween mysteries at the High
the ever-moving pattern. Springs Emporium.
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Instead of a time sequence of tenses, which they would not •Large honey calcite spheres
need, you have the intensities and depths of colors. •New crystal skulls
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Seth thru Jane Roberts on How do we face a hurri- Galactic Skull Activation
cane? A handy quote is "You Make Your Own Reality", •New Tibetan bowls and Burmese gongs with Nicholas Pearson
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External experiences are the result of inner beliefs •Erongo black tourmaline All crystal skulls 10% off
and emotions. By staying calm, trusting that you'll for the month of October.
be safe and well, the outer conditions of your per- OPEN Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm and Sunday noon-5 pm
sonal experience will shape themselves in accor- 19765 NW US Highway 441• High Springs, FL 32643
dance with those inner conditions. It isn't a matter
of pretending, but KNOWING the outer state reflects 386-454-8657
the inner one and trusting the outcome.
Horizons Magazine by mail $28/12 issues Read online at Page 11