Page 15 - 10-18-Issue
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Got a burning question? Ask Celebrity
Psychic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle Shift your Mind, Enlighten your
Whitedove. Lifetime TV named her Body and Connect your Spirit
America’s #1 Psychic on America’s
Psychic Challenge. Her books include:
Ghost Stalker: A Psychic Medium Visits Mediumship Gallery
America’s Most Haunted Sites • She
Talks with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s October 12 from 7-9pm
Guide into the Spirit World • Angels Are
Talking: A Psychic Medium Relays Mes- at Nature's Healthy Harvest
sages from the Heavens • My Invisible
Friends 2330 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935
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Dear Whitedove, There is so much chaos in the Psychic Medium
world right now. Not sure what is fake news and Motivational Speaker
what is legitimate! How can we tell? Spiritual Certified Coach
Ordained Minister
Yes it is true, with today’s high tech abilities, much of the In Person, Phone, Skype,
news is manufactured based on agendas. So Now Is The Groups, will travel
Time to work on your intuition. This is a time for people to 321-751-4766
say to Great Spirit “turn up the volume, turn my intuition
up”, because intuition is your spiritual GPS, your direction, By appointment
let your intuition guide you.
Work on developing your personal relationship with God, get
prayerful, be grateful and count your blessings on a daily
basis. Then listen for guidance. Divine guidance will take Dear Whitedove,
you right where you need to be, gracefully and as painlessly
as possible. It's that simple. It almost Halloween and instead of going to a fright
night haunted house full of actors and scary costumes
You can also pay more attention to what feels right. When my friends want to go to on a paranormal tour of a
people say, “I’m not getting good vibes” that is a spiritual local insane asylum that’s been closed for nearly forty
red flag. Or when you meet someone for the first time years. I’m okay with ghosts, but I don’t feel good
and after a brief conversation you feel a loving kinship as about this. Is it safe?
if you’ve known them for a lifetime. Now I’m not talking
about weighing a situation or judgment. I’m talking about Dearest,
your gut reaction and your first intuition which is an unex- There are parallel dimensions where unseen souls are present.
plainable knowing. Ghosts are Earthbound souls that turned away from the light of
Heaven at their time of death, some out of fear of “judgment
We are born empaths, we have the ability to feel others, day” as many religions have taught.
babies and toddlers are very in-tune. Adults may move
away from being full-blown empathetic and may only re- Some souls stay out of their confusion, others are attached to
ceive hunches or a gut feeling. a place and they choose to stay in their familiar surroundings.
Most ghosts are harmless and eventually ALL souls will go to-
This works with what is going on in the world too. Be open wards the light and move into a higher realm of the conscious-
to receive guidance by getting your emotions, intellect and ness.
political beliefs out of the way. When you look at a political
leader, a potential candidate or a newsmaker focus on the The souls that stay earthbound at a prison or asylum, personally
human being, what sense do you get? I would not want to be in their energy. What a person is in life,
they are the same as a wayward spirit. Answer this question:
Are they a truth speaker or an actor reading a script? Then In life would you approach a dangerous prisoner or a men-
use discernment and wisdom to interpret your intuitive tally unstable person and call them to you for some type of
impressions. Fake News is rampant, but God’s truth never response? I think not. Honey, ghost hunting is not a game.
...continued on page 29...
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