Page 14 - 10-18-Issue
P. 14
FROM THE HEART Behind every “no” you utter lives a greater “yes.” Saying no
to working overtime is saying yes to quality time with yourself
Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspi- or your family. Letting go of a relationship that deadens you,
opens the door to one that enlivens you (maybe with the same
rational books, including the forthcoming The person!). Turning down an invitation to break your integrity is
Tao Made Easy: Timeless Wisdom to Navigate a to affirm that your values will work for you if you trust them.
Changing World. Join Alan in Hawaii December
2-7 for Transformer Training to develop your
skills and/or career as a teacher, healer, or The universe is trying to give you what you want, but you
leader. For more info visit have to make space for it. To put this principle to work on
your behalf, recognize that there is no private good. What is
Get Up and Leave truly good for you will serve and support others. If something
is not working for you, it cannot be working for others. When
you give yourself permission to succeed, you give others per-
I recently spoke on a Sunday morning in a hotel ballroom. mission to fulfill their destiny, too.
Afteward, a fellow told me, “On my way here, I mistakenly
went to another hotel where another church was holding a The night before a Hawaiian seminar, I had a thrilling dream
service. As I sat down, the preacher was blasting the audience that I was swimming with dolphins. The next morning I sat
with a hellfire and damnation sermon. He kept ranting about in a perfunctory meeting, bored. All I could think about was
how sinful we all are and how we are all going to hell unless going to the beach. At the first opportunity, I excused myself
we toe the line. The more I listened, the more awful I felt. It and headed for the ocean. As soon as I arrived, a large pod of
didn’t take me long to figure out I was in the wrong service; spinner dolphins swam into the bay. I dashed into the surf and
his speech was definitely not the one I came to hear. So I spent a long time cavorting with these amazing creatures. It
politely left and found my way here, where I felt a lot better is said that once you have looked directly into the eye of a dol-
listening to your talk on the power of love.” phin or whale, you are never the same. I agree. I am so glad I
followed my intuition to step away from a limiting situation to
You cannot afford to hang out in a place that keeps you taste a higher dimension.
smaller than you are. How many uninspiring church services,
circular-reasoning board meetings, dates from hell, and soul- On the eve of my being ordained as a minister in a Hawai-
numbing conversations have you painfully endured because you ian spiritual church, I invited my eight-year-old goddaughter
believed you had to stay, while your inner being was screaming to the ceremony. “What’s an ordination?” she asked. When I
at you to move on? If something is right for you, it feels re- explained, she answered, “I don’t think I’ll be there. I’ll be
warding. If it is a mismatch to your spirit, it feels stifling. bored.”
Trying to convince yourself otherwise will only prolong your
agony and delay your joy. Yet joy is the only thing you cannot I had to laugh; her honesty was disarming. How many wed-
afford to postpone. dings, bar mitzvahs, and luncheons have I attended which, if I
were honest, I might have declined, confessing, “I don’t think
If you are currently watching a bad movie in the form of a I’ll be there. I’ll be bored.” Now I’m not suggesting you utter
relationship, job, or bodily condition, leave before it gets those words or be rude or unkind. I am suggesting that you
worse. I am not suggesting that you run away. I am suggesting have a right place in life, and when you are in it, you are being
that you do whatever you need to do to make it better. Ide- extremely kind. Your friends’ gatherings are important, but
ally you can create shifts that take you to a new level within if they are not meaningful to you, why go and be a downer
the relationship or job. Your pain may be calling for an attitu- to people who are there to have fun? Either go with a whole
dinal upgrade rather than a departure. Whether your situation heart, or don’t go at all. Paramahansa Yogananda taught,
is asking for an advance or an exit, you cannot afford to settle “Manners without sincerity are like a beautiful but dead
for less than what you really want. Werner Erhard suggested, woman.”
“Live as if your life depends upon it.” It does.
The only thing more important than being good is being real.
Authenticity is kinder than resignation without conviction.
Truth leads to good faster than good leads to truth. Ultimately
truth is good, but you have to live it from the inside out.
Psychic Medium The Book of Genesis tells us that God instructed Abraham,
Clairvoyant “Leave the land you know and go forth!” At key times in
our life, each of us must let go of the familiar to claim the
• Honest • Caring • Accurate • possible. If you find yourself in a situation that is sapping
your life force, the only thing more impolite than leaving,
Spiritual Astrology is staying. Honoring your inner guidance will set forth a chain
1-323-466-3684 motion of healing that will stun you in its wisdom and mag-
nificence. There is a place inside you that knows where you belong. Respect it, and your life will be a testimony to joy and
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