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Inez Bracy is author of Rejuvenate Your Life: 21 Days to Feel Like A Woman Again. Inez empow-
ers businesses and individuals to be more creative, set better goals, make better decisions, and
coaches them into on turning ideas into meaningful work. This is an excerpt from her book. Visit
“At this moment, the room you are in is full of radio waves. You know they are there, even
though you can’t see them. You know that if you turned on a radio and tuned in to a particular
station, you could hear them. You just have to tune in to the right frequency. To get the music
you want in your life, your highest success, you just have to tune in to right station and lock
on.” ~ James Ray, The Science of Success
How often have you heard or said "woulda, shoulda EXERCISES
or coulda" and realized that it was wasted effort and
energy? These are dead words. They mean nothing. Noth- Consider what regrets are holding you back from living
ing can be accomplished using those words. Nothing equals your best life right now. Take each one, roll it around in your
zero! Using those words ensures that you continue to live your mind, and test it to see if it’s real.
life in crisis. These words do not accomplish anything in the
present. In fact, these little words have big meaning in that Is there anything you can do to change it? If not, reframe it in
there is something in the past that was not done and you are your mind as a gift—a learning opportunity that got you here
living with the regret. today and which will help you make different decisions in the
future. Note the greater lesson in each situation in order to
Living with regret is living in the past and not allowing you honor it for your future.
the opportunities for accepting the challenges of today.
Each time you lament "woulda, shoulda, coulda," you allow the Honor the discoveries of each of your regrets by turning
present to slip into oblivion. You are losing the opportunities to them into a positive affirmation. For example, your regret
enjoy life right now and continue to give yourself lament over about skipping school in your youth is now: "I appreciate and
what "woulda, coulda shoulda" been. Life is a gift to be lived value education, and will be present at every opportunity."
in the present with an eye to the future. This is not to suggest
that we ignore the past, but use the past as a learning guide
for decisions made today. Use the past as if it were a rudder,
not a compass. ...continued on page 31
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Special Guest: Christopher Tims - Sound & Energy Healing Christopher Tims
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