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Writer Sophia Quzi practices Raj Yoga and teaches mindful meditation. She is an Ayurveda massage
therapist and training to be an Ayurvedic Nutrition Consultant and Practitioner. “I have always had a
heart full of grace and compassion toward all that is." Find her on Facebook
It is 4am, I am awake an hour early than usual. Still It seems little but did I really need any more? Where does this
lying in bed and looking out the bedroom window. strange desire for more come from? This longing for more has
Winter morning, the sky is still dark. It is pretty become both our blessing and our curse. We forgot to stop and
windy. I can hear brushing a branch from the birch against smell the roses, breathe ocean breeze, paint an unknown wild-
the window. Today is Sunday, no need for me to rush, do any- flower on our canvas and give it a sweet name. Do we really
thing or go anywhere. Funny how all the images from yester- need any more than that? I know that I don’t. All I want right
day slowly started to reappear in my head one by one. I said now is to honor the dawn in meditation, then have a shower,
to myself, hold on a minute… why am I destroying my hope then set up breakfast table for me, my daughter and my mum
of a beautiful day that has been just given to me? Why do we and cherish the first meal of the day. This is enough for me…
always find a way to destroy our dreams? Why can’t we just be I may not have helped a child who lost its way or touched the
happy right now, in this moment? I may not have accomplished lives of many…but I am content in my being and feel not any
any great good yesterday but I have not harmed anyone either. less worthy. Today I will walk in love, humbly with my higher
I wish there was something more, something memorable but self. We often ask too much and forget to appreciate the small
there was nothing else, just a path I walked quietly. blessings in our life. If we slow down and look around with a
loving eye, we will see that what we have is enough.
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