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Spiritualism + We Welcome All To
...continued from page 12... Mediumship Sunday 10 AM services
Classes $5
1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
1st and 3rd Spirit Messages - Healing Service
6:30-8:30 pm Guest Speakers • Private Readings
$15/15 minutes after Services
• Archangel Michael: 321-419-6262
For those who are feeling unsafe, I recommend asking for the
help of Archangel Michael, “he who is like God.” Known for Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne
helping protect us and also soothing our fears, Michael can
sever unwanted connections to the past or to people you feel through, he can help. Along with Gabriel,
need to be safely and lovingly removed from he’s a great archangel to work with if you see yourself as a
your life. If you need self-confidence or clarity on your life spiritual teacher. His name means “the light of God.” I see him
purpose, call upon Michael. His color is a deep royal blue, as being a glittery golden color, though others perceive him as
sometimes seen with a hint of gold. solid yellow.
• Archangel Raguel: • Archangel Zadkiel:
If your concern is clearing up an argument, resolving a mis- Zadkiel, “the righteousness of God,” is the tutor of the arch-
understanding, or just making sure that things go well among angel realm. Think of him as a kind of angelic ginkgo biloba!
individuals or groups, Raguel is the right one to call. His name If your concern is taking tests, passing your exams in school,
means “the friend of God,” and he can smooth over difficult learning something new, or just remembering things, call upon
interpersonal situations or even help you Zadkiel, who is associated with deep indigo blue. He can also
make new friends. His color is a pale, robin’s-egg blue. help you with forgiveness of yourself and others.
• Archangel Raphael: Many years ago, I attended a particularly memorable an-
Raphael, whose name means “God heals,” is the archangel for gel conference. The speaker had prepared a meditation to
physical healing. So if you’re sick, in physical pain, or have introduce us to the 15 most well-known archangels. I was very
other bodily ailments, he’s your guy. Raphael is also the arch- much looking forward to this, as my intuitive gifts were really
angel of safe travels, so you can call upon him while flying or ramping up, so I anticipated a vivid experience.
driving long distances. He is also known as a bit of
a matchmaker. I often suggest that people work with Raphael The speaker began inviting the archangels into the room in
and Chamuel in partnership for issues of finding the right ro- alphabetical order, starting with Ariel. To my surprise, the
mantic partner. Raphael’s healing light is emerald green. experience was completely flat to me. I shuffled in my seat to
get more comfortable and tried to really focus on the medita-
• Archangel Raziel: tion. Next came Azrael and then Chamuel. Still, I felt like I
I always think of Raziel as a kind of wizard of the archangel was in the auditorium by myself. I wasn’t feeling anything and
realm. He’s very magical and can help you understand esoteric wondered what was wrong.
information, heal from past-life issues, or interpret your night-
time dreams. His name means “the secrets of God,” as he is The speaker went through all the archangels, and I continued
said to sit at the throne of God, writing down all he hears. He to feel nothing until she got to the 14th, Uriel. Suddenly the
radiates rainbow colors. room exploded into glitters of golden light! I could hear angels
singing! The sparkling light was almost blinding to me, and I
• Archangel Sandalphon: felt euphoric. I was amazed by what I was experiencing. When
When you feel as though your prayers aren’t being heard or the speaker brought up the final archangel, Zadkiel, the entire
are being left unanswered, you can call upon Sandalphon, the meditation went completely black again.
archangel known to personally carry prayers to God. Ask him
for help seeing, hearing, or knowing what the answers to your Later that same day, I pulled a card from an angel deck:
prayers are. He’s also the archangel associated with music, “Archangel Uriel.” Immediately afterward, another partici-
so musicians should take heed! Sandalphon means “brother pant at the event pulled a card for me from a different deck;
together,” and he appears turquoise in color. again, it featured Archangel Uriel. At the end of the day, one
of the very gifted readers at the event came up to me to tell
• Archangel Uriel: me that she saw Uriel with me. Okay, okay! I get it! I thought.
Do you need a brilliant idea? Are you seeking a true epiphany
about what to do next or any aspect of your life? Then Arch- Not all angel experiences are that powerful. (Frankly, I wish
angel Uriel is there for you. Uriel is also known for emotional they were!) But if an angel really wants your attention, be-
healing, so if you carry pain from the past you need to work lieve me—they will find a way to get it.
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