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Herb Corner
Cecelia Avitabile of The Herb Corner and Learning Center in
Melbourne FL is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters
of Herbalism degree and over 20 years of herbal experience. A
member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the
American Herbalist Guild. Visit 321-757-7522
Relieving Sinus Congestion with Herbs
Are your sinuses leaky or drippy? Are you sneezing or
sniffling? Are you constantly clearing your throat? These
may all be symptoms of sinus congestion and if left untreated
Take Control of Your Health With it can progress to severe congestion or a sinus infection. It may
also cause chronic headaches, ear congestion, ear infections or
Herbs - Mankind’s Oldest Medicine hearing loss.
Herbs have been used as a standard practice If your congestion is due to fungal or a bacterial infection
of complementary health-care for thousands of you may want to consider Yerba Manza its astringent properties
years. History has accumulated a vast knowledge tightens and restores tone to sinus tissue lessening secretions.
of healing with plants providing us with a huge vari- It also stimulates circulation to the sinuses helping with sinus
ety of healing options. headaches, congestion and infections. Rosemary is another
There are over 750,000 plants on the planet herb with astringent actions. You can make a nasal spray with
Earth and they all contain chemical compounds either of these herbs using 10-30 drops of their tincture to 1tsp.
that can be converted into hormones, vitamins and glycerin and 2oz. purified water in a spray bottle. You can use
minerals that address the root cause of the condi- this spray up to 4 times per day if necessary. The herb Angelica
tion, not just the symptoms. They work like preci- can be used to reduce secretions of mucous. It also gets you to
sion instruments providing over-all support for the sweat more; this helps the body to kill off infections. Other herbs
body. The Herb Corner carries all your herbal needs that help fight sinus infections are Echinacea, Goldenseal and
and all herbs are 100% organic. Garlic. Goldenseal is also helpful when the mucous membranes
of the sinuses are chronically congested, especially if you are
Master Herbalist & Certified Nutritional Consultant on Staff blowing your nose and the mucous is not clear. The herb Licorice
helps when your head is congested and the mucous is so thick
We Sell More Than Just Herbs! it is hard to blow your nose. Not only does it help thin out and
expectorate mucosal secretions, it also helps repair damaged
Unique Jewelry- Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, tissue.
Earrings, , Raw and Tumbled Gemstones, If you are really inflamed, try making a pot of soup adding
some Ginger, Turmeric, Horseradish or Cayenne. These will open
Gemstone Animals, Eggs & Spheres, Salt Lamps in up your sinuses because they reduce inflammations to the sinus
various sizes and shapes, Sage, Candles, multi- cavities. Eyebright and Goldenrod are also anti-inflammatory
colored LED lightboxes,, Lip Balms, herbs but I would not add them to a soup, these would be
Headache Sticks, Bar & Liquid better in teas or tinctures. Eucalyptus is one herb that most
Soaps, Salves, food-grade Essential people know for the sinuses and the respiratory system; it is
Oils, Unique Tea Diffusers, Tea Pots antibacterial and antiseptic as well as an expectorant to the
& Oriental Mugs, Herbal Tumblers whole respiratory system. The oil of Eucalyptus can be used as
and much, much more!!! a steam by adding 20-30 drops to boiling water. Set the pot on
a table leaning over the pot with a towel draped over the pot
and your head; breathing this solution deeply helps to clear your
Specializing In All Natural Products sinuses.
Beyond herbs, try removing mucous-forming foods such as milk,
The Herb Corner wheat, pasta, bananas and even orange juice from the diet.
Instead drink more water to thin out the secretions of mucous.
and Learning Center Getting more vitamin C through foods, herbs or supplements can
also help because this antioxidant assists the body in battling
Hours: Wed-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 11-3 allergic reactions acting as a natural antihistamine. Plus it helps
protect you from possible infections from congestion.
277 N. Babcock St., Melbourne * 321-757-7522 In your home you may want to keep animal dander and
dust down and it may help if reduce heavily scented cleaning products such as air fresheners, detergents, lotions, shampoos
and perfumes because the chemicals in these products can be
irritating to the lining of the nose.
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