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FROM THE HEART                                       get. When you are in harmony with life, you need not worry or
                                                                 struggle to protect yourself, for all of life bows in deference to
                                                                 the presence of the divine.
                           Alan Cohen is author of A Course in Miracles Made
                           Easy; mastering the Journey from Fear to Love.    A Course in Miracles offers a profound poetic image (in Work-
                           Join Alan and friends in Hawaii, Feb 26 - March 2   book Lesson 156) describing how loved and powerful you are,
                           for a rare retreat, Unplugged. Put your devices   simply by virtue of who you are:
                           aside for a few days, liberate yourself from tech-
                           nology, and reconnect with yourself and your life.   There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is
                           For more info, visit
                                                                 so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. All things
                         DOGS KNOW HEART                         that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and
                                                                 gladness at your feet. The scent of flowers is their gift to you.
            My dog loves to play in the morning. He jumps in     The waves bow down before you, and the trees extend their
            my lap and wants to lick and wrestle, which I am     arms to shield you from the heat, and lay their leaves before
            entirely unable to resist. Yet when I am meditat-    you on the ground that you may walk in softness, while the
                                                                 wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head.
            ing, he simply lies down and waits for me to finish.
            Something in him understands meditation and respects it. He   This touching passage tells me that life loves to love you, and
            gets the (okay, I’ll say it) vibe. The universal intelligence in   as you love yourself, you are aligned with your purpose and
            him is connected to the universal intelligence meditating in   the purpose of everything that lives.  It’s not egotistical to
            and through me, and the two create a lovely respectful dance   have rewarding, fulfilling relationships, and to expect things
            together. I like to think that people are at least as smart as   to go right. Several years ago Dee and I were traveling through
            dogs, and something inside each of us recognizes and respects   England and had an appointment to meet my friend Robert
            wisdom, beauty, and authentic love. When you are connected   Holden and his wife for dinner. When the couple did not show
            to higher power, doors open in miraculous ways. I saw a video   up at the restaurant at the appointed time, I telephoned
            of Mother Teresa on a mission to rescue a group of children   Robert, and to my surprise I found him home. When I re-
            from a children’s hospital in war-torn Beirut. Although fac-  minded him of our date, he apologetically told me that he had
            tions were shooting at each other constantly, when Mother   made a mistake and thought our meeting was for the follow-
            Teresa announced that she was going into the city to remove   ing evening. “That’s okay,” I told him, seeking to soothe his
            these children, the parties declared a cease-fire. At the ap-  sense of error. “These things happen.”  Robert thought for a
            pointed time, Mother Teresa and a group of her nuns drove   moment and replied, “Not to us!”  I had to laugh as I absorbed
            two trucks into the quieted city and freed the children. The   his point: Robert lives in the expectation of good, flow, and
            moment she and the kids were clear, the factions went back   success, and when something happens that seems to contra-
            to fighting.                                         dict well-being, it is a real anomaly. Contrast this attitude with
                                                                 the expectation that things generally go wrong except when
            This noble example tells me two things:  (1) War is a choice   they occasionally go right, and you will see why some people
            and can be stopped at will; and (2) The spirit’s commitment   continually succeed and others continually fail.
            to peace is more powerful than the ego’s commitment to war.
            When authentic peace shows up in the face of conflict, peace   Things are supposed to go right, and when we line our minds
            ultimately prevails because peace springs from love and war   and hearts up with this vision, they do. Coaching clients often
            springs from fear, and love is always stronger than fear.   ask me about how to find a happy relationship, marriage, or
                                                                 life partner. I tell them that when you sincerely love yourself,
            When Ram Dass visited India, he met a yogi, Hari Dass Baba,   you are in the perfect position to meet someone who agrees
            who had been silent for many years and taught Ram Dass   with you. So the path to finding a mate is not anxious search-
            a brief lesson each day by writing an aphorism on a small   ing and manipulating, but calm knowing who you are and what
            chalkboard. One day the lesson was:  “Yogi in jungle need not   you deserve. Mother Teresa knew so surely that those children
            fear. Snakes know heart.”  A major truth in a condensed nug-  deserved to be safe from war, that even people steeped in fear
                                                                 and war were moved to agree with her and act on the truth
              Join us on                                         she knew.
                                                                 There is a scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker and Obi-
                                                                 Wan Kenobi are entering a city ruled by the evil Empire. The
                                         Gifts, Books, Cards,    imperial army is on the lookout for them, and they must pass
                                          Crystals, Candles,     by a border checkpoint. As they approach, a guard asks to see
                                           Incense, jewelry,
                                                                 their papers. Obi-Wan, using a kind of hypnotic suggestion,
                                           Salt Lamps, More      tells the guard, “We’re not the ones you are looking for.” As
                                                                 if on automatic, the guard tells the other soldiers, “They’re
                                                                 not the ones we’re looking for,” and the two pass. Jedi of the
            Energy Healing                     2186 Park Ave     Force need not fear the evil empire. Yogi in jungle need not
            Readings                      Orange Park, Florida 32073    fear. Snakes know heart. Sincere meditator need not struggle.
            Classes       904-292-4555  Dogs know peace.

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