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Lauren Robertson is a Spirit communica-
tor, transformational coach, and speaker. to simply be with whatever thoughts and feelings come up for
Training as a psychic medium from age you. If you are in pain because you are grieving, let yourself
14, Lauren has helped tens of thousands be with the sensation of pain rather than trying to flee from it.
of people explore their spirituality, find If you are filled with happy thoughts and memories about your
important answers, and overcome difficult loved-one, allow yourself to laugh and shed a tear. If you feel
emotions to live freer and happier lives. She studied consciousness, nothing, see nothing and sense nothing, that’s ok too…perhaps,
the emotions, and philosophy of mind at the University of Glasgow, for now, that sense of emptiness is what you need. Trust that
Scotland, and holds an MA in literature and philosophy. She is a Divine you are exactly where you need to be. Spend 10 minutes or
Living trained coach and has spoken on platforms all over the world. longer in candle contemplation, as often as you like. Allowing
ourselves time to be with our thoughts and feelings around the
My journey as a medium began with the loss of my loss of a loved-one can encourage acceptance and promote the
healing process.
Gran. I was 17 years old when she passed, and I
didn’t think like a medium back then, I was simply 2. WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR LOVED-ONE.
a teenager, hurt, sad, scared and devastated because I must be honest with you: Every time I write a letter to my
I’d lost someone who represented unconditional love loved-ones in Spirit, I bawl my eyes out, so I do not recom-
to me. On my quest to heal my pain, I came across five ritu- mend you do this at work, in a restaurant or on the bus…unless
Dr Joe Dispenza on Creating Each Day als that truly helped me moved through my grief. These five you don’t mind sobbing in public! For me, much of the pain
rituals brought me feelings of reassurance, peace, comfort and after bereavement was due to the unsaid ‘I love yous’, the un-
“So, if we’re consciously designing our destiny, if we’re courage at a time when I was really struggling with her death, told gratitude, and the unasked questions. One day, I decided
consciously, from a spiritual standpoint, throwing in the and they opened my mind to the possibility that our relation- to write a letter to a particular person in Spirit, and in it, I put
idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect ship had not come to an end…it had simply changed into some- everything I wanted to say but never could. Afterwards, I felt
our life, because reality equals life…, then, I have thing new and different. better. I felt heard, and in the writing process even provided
this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say I hope these rituals will help you find peace as you come to me with some answers! Try it. Write a letter to your loved-
to myself, I’m taking this time to create my day, and terms with the transition of a special person to Spirit, as they one and tell them everything. The good, the bad and the ugly.
I’m infecting the Quantum Field. Now, if it is in fact did me. It should be several pages long at least. And when you think
[infecting my/the energy feld], the Observer’s watching you’ve written all you can, just give it a second then keep
me the whole time that I’m doing this, and there is a 1. LIGHT A CANDLE AND SPEND TIME IN CONTEM- going: The Truth usually comes after we’re done saying what’s
spiritual aspect to myself. Then, show me a sign today, PLATION. Create some quiet time and light a candle, sit appropriate. Don’t hold back, let everything out.
that you paid attention to any one of these things that I comfortably a few feet away from the candle and let your
created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect.” gaze fall upon the flame. Breathe deeply and allow yourself ...continued on page 27
~ Dr Joe Dispenza, featured expert, People v. The State
of Illusion
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