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FROM THE HEART ence, giving them permission to authentically express their
feelings, the first step to healing. I have enjoyed your show
Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspi- for many years, especially the inspirational quotes you share. I
hope you will continue to progress and feel better.”
rational books, including the forthcoming The
Tao Made Easy: Timeless Wisdom to Navigate a When Don sent me a copy of her letter, I was touched. This
Changing World. Join Alan in Hawaii December person, obviously busy in a position of high importance, did
2-7 for Transformer Training to develop your
skills and/or career as a teacher, healer, or not have to take the time and caring to send Don such a sup-
leader. For more info visit portive letter. But she did. I told Don, “This woman is a real
Where Healing Lives Regardless of your profession, the vision you hold of your
clients makes all the difference in how successful you will be
with them, and the amount of personal satisfaction you re-
My friend Mark has been a physician for over 40 ceive from your work. If you see customers as bodies or dollars
years. Recently he told me a story that helped me only, you will operate at a very shallow level of existence.
understand what real healing is. While Mark was vaca-
tioning in Maui, his nephew, a younger man vacationing in You can get results and make money, but in your quiet mo-
Honolulu, had a heart attack. Upon learning this, Mark flew ments your soul will ache and you will wonder what you are
to Honolulu and sat with the nephew’s distraught wife in doing with your life. If, on the other hand, you recognize that
the Intensive Care Unit for 24 hours, until her husband had your customers are so much more than their bodies or what
stabilized. Mark went not in his capacity as a doctor, but as a they can pay you, you have the golden key to success. Within
friend. the body lives a spiritual being who yearns to be acknowledged
and supported. Pay attention to that person’s inner self, and
As Mark recounted this story, I recognized the distinction you will sleep well at night, make a contribution to the world,
between a doctor and a healer. A doctor treats symptoms. A and your material needs will be met.
healer treats the soul. Mark’s commitment to the well-being of
his nephew and his wife went far beyond fixing the man’s body. Doctors are busy and have many pressures and demands.
His intention was to soothe their souls. Most doctors really want to help their patients, and they do.
They hear about people’s problems all day long, which can be
Of course doctors, like Mark, can be healers too. When the two daunting and cause a physician to become impersonal. Yet the
vocations show up in the same person, you have a divinely-ap- creation and maintenance of relationships, however brief, is
pointed combination. If you are such a healer, you are blessed, the building block of real satisfaction.
and so are your patients.
A Sufi story tells of a poet who went to a doctor and com-
Another friend of mine, Don, is a radio personality who has plained of all kinds of physical symptoms. “I don’t sleep well,
hosted his popular show for many years. In addition to playing I get headaches, I have this rash,” and on and on. The doctor
hit songs, he daily reads an inspirational message on the air. asked the poet, “Have you recited your latest poem yet?” “No,
He is known and loved in his community. I haven’t.” “Then would you please recite for me?” The poet
did so. “How do you feel now?” the doctor asked. “Much bet-
Recently Don went through a severe bout with depression. One ter,” replied the poet.
day he revealed to his radio listeners that he was depressed
and having a tough time. A few days later Don received a let- All healing is not as simple as reciting one’s latest poem,
ter from a psychiatrist who is the director of a psychiatric hos- but the dynamic of recognizing and honoring the needs of a
pital. She told Don, “Thank you for courageously sharing about client’s soul is a much greater element of healing than most
your current emotional challenge. I know this can be a very doctors recognize. What’s happening in our body is intrinsically
difficult process to go through. I am certain that you helped linked to what’s happening in our mind.
many of your listeners who are dealing with the same experi-
Richard Bach said, “Your body is your thoughts in a form you
can see.” To really be healed, we cannot simply address the
Psychic Medium symptoms. We must address the source of disease, which al-
ways has something to do with a blockage or imbalance of our
Clairvoyant life force, and denying our spiritual expression. Restoring that
expression leads the restoration of physical health.
• Honest • Caring • Accurate •
Doctors are instruments of God. The doctors I most remember
most are those who have touched my soul. We all have the
Spiritual Astrology capacity to heal each other and ourselves at the deepest level,
1-323-466-3684 and we must. Let us meet where we really live.
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