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Herb Corner
Cecelia Avitabile of The Herb Corner and Learning Center in
Melbourne FL is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters
of Herbalism degree and over 20 years of herbal experience. A
member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the
American Herbalist Guild. Visit 321-757-7522
Has your child been
labeled hyperactive?
School is about to start again and the laid back days
Take Control of Your Health With of summer are almost over. Parents and children are
preparing to make adjustments getting back to the routine of
Herbs - Mankind’s Oldest Medicine getting up early and doing homework. For some children that’s
Herbs have been used as a standard practice not easy. These children have a harder time focusing on school
of complementary health-care for thousands of work, they daydream, they’re easily distracted, they have
years. History has accumulated a vast knowledge poor self control, they chat or they can’t sit still causing them
of healing with plants providing us with a huge vari- to fall behind in their school work because they seem to not
ety of healing options. be paying attention. Eventually these children are labeled with
There are over 750,000 plants on the planet ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In my opinion
Earth and they all contain chemical compounds these are very creative children. It’s just that they've not
that can be converted into hormones, vitamins and found what sparks their creativity yet because they're young.
minerals that address the root cause of the condi- When these kids are interested in something they tend to be
tion, not just the symptoms. They work like preci- extremely focused, so focused that they think of nothing else.
sion instruments providing over-all support for the Medication may not always be the answer, we are far too
body. The Herb Corner carries all your herbal needs quick to medicate. I am a parent of an ADHD child who was
and all herbs are 100% organic. on Ritalin for a few months because I was lead to believe that
this was the only option; and for him to do well in school he
Master Herbalist & Certified Nutritional Consultant on Staff needed to be on Ritalin. He changed so abruptly from a bubbly
little boy to a zoned out little zombie with no life in him. I
We Sell More Than Just Herbs! decided that between the zombie-like effects and the possible
liver and kidney damage that Ritalin was not what I wanted for
Unique Jewelry- Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, him, so I began to do some of my own research.
In my research I found that about 3-5% of our school aged
Earrings, , Raw and Tumbled Gemstones, children have ADHD and that most of these children are boys;
Gemstone Animals, Eggs & Spheres, Salt Lamps in I also found that ADHD is the fastest growing neurological
various sizes and shapes, Sage, Candles, multi- disorder of young children with the numbers of children
colored LED lightboxes,, Lip Balms, diagnosed getting higher and higher each year.
Headache Sticks, Bar & Liquid When reading about dietary concerns I found that for
Soaps, Salves, food-grade Essential many children a simple change in diet could be the answer.
Oils, Unique Tea Diffusers, Tea Pots Avoiding foods that contain saliycilates (almonds, apples,
& Oriental Mugs, Herbal Tumblers cherries, cucumbers, tomatoes or oranges), sugars artificial
and much, much more!!! sweeteners, coloring, flavoring or preservatives, caffeine,
gluten, casein or chocolate because these foods can trigger
hyperactivity in some children.
Specializing In All Natural Products I also found that herbs like Oat Straw, Lemon Balm,
St.Johns Wort, Skullcap, Passion Flower, Chamomile
The Herb Corner or Catnip can be helpful for children with ADHD. These
herbs help to calm down and tone the nervous system
and Learning Center without sedating it plus they help the body to cope with the
excitability within the nervous system. I have a combination
Hours: Wed-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 11-3 for my son with Chamomile, Oatstraw, Rose Petals, Slippery
Elm, Peppermint, Licorice, Catnip and Passion Flower this
277 N. Babcock St., Melbourne * 321-757-7522 blend can be used either hot or cold to replace all of those
drinks that are highly sweetened and full of preservatives. I also used a tincture of Catnip and another tincture that helped
him to focus when he was doing his schoolwork.
I encourage you to read more about ADHD, diet, herbs and
supplements; there are so many possibilities out there.
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