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NOTES                                            SPIRITUAL

                                from the                                          GRAFFITI

                                Universe                            Jeff Brown is author of Spiritual Graffiti, Ascending with Both
                                                                    Feet on the Ground,  Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond,
                                                                    Apologies to the Divine Feminine From a Warrior in Transi-
                                                                    tion and Karmageddon, an award winning documentary about
            An international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer   spirituality and emotional healing. Visit
            for “the Universe,” and one of the teachers for The Secret, Mike   and
            Dooley runs TUT’s Adventurers Club and travels internationally,
            speaking to thousands on life, dreams, happiness.

            Most people don’t know there are NO TESTS IN         Empathy is an interesting word, often mistaken for
            LIFE. Not knowing this, they react to unpleasant circum-  something quite different- unhealthy boundaries, not
            stances, which perpetuates them and attracts more of the   knowing where we end and the other begins. Our em-
            same, life gets harder, they feel powerless, and they call it   pathic capacity can be as misdirected as any other ability. Just
            “being tested." To believe in tests means you believe there are  because you can feel where someone is coming from, doesn’t
            some things outside of your control that are thrust upon you.   mean that you have to put yourself at risk. When we allow
            There are no tests, but the unexpected circumstances you’ve   'empathy' to keep us invested in that which brings us suffering,
            created are “inviting” you to discover the truth about how   when we confuse it with a boundaryless way of being, it be-
            powerful you really are, how far you can reach, and all that   comes just another word for misplaced faith and self-hatred.
            you can have; to remember that you are of God, adored, and   It is empathy run amok. It abuses your gift. Better to not turn
            fully capable of creating fantastic transformations in every   your compassionate nature against yourself. Empathize with
            area of your life. The truth will set you free,      humanity, but shield yourself from harm.

                                         The Universe
                                                                 A great door opens every time we walk our own
                                                                 way. Not the way of the world, not the way of the
                                                                 other, but the way that is encoded in the bones
                                                                 of our being. It is not easy to open the great door in an
                                                                 inauthentic world, but open it we must. On the other side of
                                                                 the door, our real life awaits. There are many great doors to
                                                                 come as we shed our cloaks of falsity and embrace our deepest
                                                                 truths. Walk with your head high and your heart open. The
                                                                 universe responds to authentic transformation. Nothing false
                                                                 will do. Out with the old, in with the true

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