Page 12 - 9-18-Issue
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                                   DO DOGS HAVE ANGELS?

                                   An expert on past lives and pets, Jenny Smedley is also a renowned spiritual healer, advisor and therapist, and
                                   prolific author of Soul Angels, Pets are Forever: Amazing Stories of Angelic Animals, Soul Mates: Magical and Mys-
                                   terious Ways to Find True Love, Angelic Healing, Pets Have Souls Too, Forever Faithful: Dogs That Return, Past
                                   Life Angels: Discovering Your Life's Master Plan, Angel Whispers: How To Get Close To Your Angels, many more.
                                   See author Jenny Smedley at  She lives with her reincarnated dog, KC.
                                   Visit her at

            There’s a lot more to dogs than meets the eye. It’s   IMMORTALITY
            very easy for some people to dismiss animals as ‘stu-
            pid’, but I’m always sad when this happens because   Dogs will often lead us to them when
            it means that many dogs out there are not being al-  they’re reborn and want us to find them
            lowed to fulfil their real potential! Look at it differently,  again. So, if you’re hoping for this, watch
            and you’ll see that in many ways dogs prove themselves to be   for signs.
            more than mere ‘animals’ in so many ways.
                                                                 These can take the form of strange ‘coin-
            If you believe that people have angels, then you have to ac-  cidences’ relating to your old dog’s name,
            cept that perhaps dogs have angels, too.             or date of birth or passing.

            Some of the stories that are sent to me seem to suggest that   You might keep seeing the same number everywhere you look
            dogs can become divine beings, sometimes for a while and   or be woken at a certain time night after night. You might
            sometimes for the whole of their lives, while some people   keep seeing the same combination of colours, telling you what
            believe that dogs can and do become angels.          colour coat to expect.

            If you think your dog was guided into your life, perhaps by an   In my case, one thing was an advert for puppies that I kept
            angel, think carefully about how your life has changed since   thinking I’d thrown away, only to find it back on the table. All
            you got him. Have your finances or prospects improved? Did   these things can add up and lead you to the right puppy.
            you suddenly find a partner and embark on a wonderful rela-
            tionship? If so, what part did your dog play in these events?  But if you think you’ve found him, how will you know for sure?
                                                                 Not everyone’s lucky enough to get the physical evidence that I
            You may also have been led to your dog by a series of synchro-  did, but I believe the eyes really are the windows to the soul.
            nistic events, or maybe you entered your dog’s life, nudged
            there by a series of angel-inspired messages?        So if you think you’re re-encountering the same dog soul
                                                                 you’ve known before, there will be recognition there. Take
            There is a reason for everything and you and your dog coming   time to make eye contact and try a little telepathy by mentally
            together is no exception. Try making a list of the things in your  asking the puppy to do something specific.
            life that have been affected by your dog or the things in his
            life that have been changed by you.

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