Page 13 - 9-18-Issue
P. 13

IF I CREATE MY OWN                                                                 10:30AM

                            REALITY, WHY                                                     MORNINGS

                            DOES MY LIFE                          The New Way POD               Rev. Mark

                            SUCK?                                  The Aquarian Building        Pasqualino
                                                                  238 Peachtree St in Cocoa
                                                               Come find what you’re
            John Culbertson is a psychic, shamanic practitioner, metaphysical min-  321-543-0058
            ister, spiritual counselor, author, and spiritual teacher of over twenty
            years. He offers private sessions and classes. You can learn more about
            him and his work at his website

            QUESTION: Can you explain how we create our
            own reality and destiny? Why does my life suck                   
            then?                                                                        development-classes

            ANSWER: So how do we create reality?  Ultimately, it is cre-
            ated by what we choose to believe and how we integrated the
            material/physical world into our belief system.       To Promote the Religion,  ON-GOING  PSYCHIC/MEDIUM
                                                                   Science, and Philosophy   SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES
            We could talk about the Law of Attraction, and we could   of Spiritualism
            talk about Creative Manifestation and both of those have a
            place in reality creation – but ultimately, reality is governed           The Villages ~ New Series
            by thought and belief. Our thoughts, each other’s thoughts,                  begins in November
            and even the Divine’s thoughts all work to create reality in
            some aspect. When two realities come into contact with each
            other – a common reality – what we call ordinary reality or the                Gainesville ~ Sept 15th
            “real” world will develop.
                                                                      IFSK Director        Orlando ~ Sept 30th
            The term “real” here is misleading, though. For that common   Marilyn Jenquin
            reality is no less or more real than any other we experience.   Private        Melbourne ~ Sept 4th
            How we choose to experience and ultimately the meaning we   Readings
            choose to give to the experience is far more important than   BY APPOINTMENT  Check website for complete details
            the experiences in and of themselves. This, the how, is deter-
            mined largely by the soul state we have obtained by the time
            of the experience.                                                
            Likewise, people have a tendency to not consider the spiritual       407-247-7823
            “real.” When they meditate or pray or go to a spiritual class
            or workshop, or even go on a retreat or vacation, they leave
            saying to themselves “Well that was nice, but it’s back to real-
            ity now.” How destructive this is! The reality is what is real   but just transformed states of being. This doesn’t necessarily
            to an individual at any given moment. While realities may be   take away the human response of pain. We will all feel pain.
            different, one should not be seen as better than another or an   Pain will never stop. It’s just part of the human experience. As
            escapist from another.                               the old saying goes pain is a given, suffering is optional. The
                                                                 trick is not to keep reliving the same pain over and over again
            As for why does life suck for some people?           – this is when pain becomes suffering.

            Life never truly sucks. All good and bad are the same energy   What we may at first believe to be the worst thing to ever
            interpreted in different ways. All good and bad in our lives   happen to us could, later in retrospect, be the most important
            have reason and purpose even if we can’t understand it at that  life-changing miracle we could have ever been granted and
            given moment. Even if someone we care about dies, at the   participate in.
            highest level there is an understanding that they didn’t die,
                                                                                      ...continued on page 26...

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