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THIS MONTH’S                      Oh, the possibilities. A magic book that lets you write in it
                                                                 how you want the story to unfold. What would you write?
                                  THOUGHTS                       How would your story unfold If you could write it as you
                                                                 wanted it? There is magic in this world if you know where
                                                                 to look.
                                                                        HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO LOOK?
                                    THINGS...                    It's not simply a matter of knowing where to look, it's a mat-
                                                                 ter of training yourself to expect and believe that increasingly
                                                                 better circumstances are on their way to you.
                                 “In the company of one who is living
            Andrea de Michaelis  Love, you can’t help but spring into      HOW DO YOU TRAIN YOURSELF?
                                 that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
             Publisher in 2016
                                                                      YOU PRACTICE CREAT-IVE VISUALIZATION
            HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE SEPTEMBER 2018              I talked to someone new recently who was unfamiliar with the
            HORIZONS MAGAZINE.  79 degrees and 88% humidity  but   concept of using creative visualization to attract something
            the weather is feeling cooler already. I had some major over-  into her life. She has a happy enough life but like most of us
            head tree branches trimmed last month. I was worried that   would love more money. As I listened to her questions and
            cutting branches on my big oak tree might let in too much   concerns, I realized hers was not a matter of having resistance
            light, letting the roof get hot. But we cut them so now there's   due to paying attention to troubling things in other parts of
            a nice high shade. Plus I can see the sky from my bedroom for   her life. She had always just made $2,000 per month and she
            the first time in a decade. In fact, with the branches cut I was   never really thought about making any more than that.
            able to stand at my bedroom window and watch the launch
            from the Cape! I used to have to go out into the backyard.  Essentially she set her sights too low. She knew she would
                                                                 make $2,000 a month easily but then when the economy
            I love it when dollars go out because that creates the space   changed that wasn't really enough. She has no investments
            for them to flow back in. That's the belief and expectation   and lives paycheck-to-paycheck however $2,000 month lets
            I reinforce each time dollars go out. I did several big dollar   her squeak by.
            projects last month at home and also at the rental, plus an un-
            expected dental visit. Those are always fun! I initially freaked   ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS EXPAND HER
            when I chipped a crown but ended up scheduling scraping and   EXPECTATION AND BELIEF OF WHAT COULD BE
            scaling. I had zero discomfort from it. I was glad I had it done.   POSSIBLE FOR HER REGARDING $$ COMING IN
            Watching S4 E12 of Once Upon a Time. This is the first fan-  Like many of us, she erroneously thought that her income had
            tasy fairy tale type series I've watched, fantasy/sci-fi is not   to be solely dependent upon her skills and the whim of what
            typically my thang. I like how the story goes back and forth   her employer wanted to pay. I introduced her to the idea of
            correlating a past life in olden times with a present life in   God or the Universe, whatever you want to call it, being her
            modern day, using fairy tale characters as archetypes. It took   invisible supply and everything being funneled through her
            me 2 seasons and Googling a lot of the story book characters   expectation and belief about that being possible.
            to really be able to appreciate the complex, layered writing.
                                                                 Her dollars did not have to be tied to her skills, but she could
                   THEIR TV SCRIPTS CONTAIN ACTUAL               expect dollars to flow when she used her skills. God is her
                      MANIFESTIATION INSTRUCTION                 Supply and one way he funnels that Supply to her through her
                                                                 skills. Her skills were just one avenue thru which dollars can
            The stories also contain actual instruction on manifestation   flow to her. Her dollars did not have to be tied to what her
            using consistent intent and focus. There's a lot of reading be-  employer paid her. God is her Supply however her employer is
            tween the lines for a student of esotericism. Good visuals to   being used to funnel dollars down to her.
            give you a feeling place of being physically and mentally able
            to do more than you do now. The story reveals what superpow-  It doesn't matter if you think you have no other skill or other
            er each character in the modern day time holds and leads the   income coming to you, you don't have a rich relative to leave
            observer to wonder what their own superpowers might be.   you money, you don't have a college degree, you don't have
                                                                 Investments. None of that matters. God is your supply. What
            Watching the show unfold in this way is good food for thought   matters is that you have reasonable expectation and belief
            for those practicing creative visualization and manifestation.   that dollars can come to you from out of thin air, from some
            In S4 E12 they are seeking the author of a book of fairy tales   place you could never expect and just show up in a check in
            they discovered that seems to tell their story. How did the   your mailbox in your name.
            author know? Through a secret door, they stumble upon a huge
            library with shelves filled with tens of thousands of the same
            looking book. However all these books are empty with stories                 ...continued on page 21...
            waiting to be written.

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