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Excerpted from Angels by Marie-Ange offer yourself a happy fate. Let them guide you. And, most
Faugerolas © 2015 by Marie-Ange importantly: ask, solicit, pray. The angels will answer every
Faugerolas. one of your calls.
Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t born alone and
we don’t die alone. The birth angels accompany us The coming of an angel brings about a feeling of lightness,
throughout the entirety of our existence. They are of joy, and of a spirit teeming with projects. Oftentimes, the
assisted by the guardian angels who lean over our cradles just angels begin to mani-
after our birth. fest through pleasant
physical and emotional
These guardian angels don’t intervene directly in our lives but sensations.
rather content themselves by watching over our actions and
gestures with a protective gaze. When we solicit them, they Once someone is ac-
come running to our rescue. customed to these
sensations, they can
We can also invoke particular angels in situations that call for appear in dreams, in
a specialized angel. God entrusted guardian angels with a mis- visions, and then in
sion of accompaniment. They honor it with conscientiousness physical encounters.
and promptness. The people who don’t think about angels,
who never solicit them, or quite simply don’t believe in them, Whatever their ways
are even so accompanied by celestial messengers. of communicating may
be, they will bring
the happiness and
Guardian angels don’t interfere in the existence of a protected
person. But when we solicit their assistance directly, the an- certitude of not being
gels prove themselves more efficient. They can even accom- alone.
plish miracles.
Angels accompany hu-
mans throughout their
On numerous occasions, I have called on the angels in dramatic
personal situations. The angels quickly intervened and trans- existence. They don’t
formed my life. Angelic experiences are truly mind-blowing. judge their actions and
Don’t be afraid to call on celestial messengers. They are at are compassionate for
your service. They are the divine voice and light, the divine their past mistakes.
love. Make use of their competence. Use their powers and
They are guides toward the future and infallible protectors.
We can invoke them to obtain comfort in times of personal
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Release Weight, The coming of an angel is an event that can happen at any
Strengthen moment when we invoke them regularly. Celestial creatures
Immune System, make apparitions, but they are often reserved for people ac-
Grow Spirituality customed to receiving the angelic touch. The most common
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