Page 4 - Horizons
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To welcome 2401 N. Harbor City Blvd
all people Melbourne, FL 32935
and 321.254.0313
our oneness SUNDAY Services
with God 9:30 and 11:00am
Rev. Sunday school at 11:00am
Beth Head Child care both services
welcomes you A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
Sunday, August 6th 9:30 and 11:00am Sunday, August 13th 12:30 pm – 1:30pm
Speaker: Rev. Ytonna Dyess Finnegan Cause and Effect: The law that never lies with Va-
larie Parson. Got “QUESTions?” Join us each Sunday
Sunday, August 6th 12:30 pm – 2:30pm for one power-packed hour as we journey through
Overview of The Hebrew Scriptures the book and workbook of “The Quest.” We’ll take the
Facilitator: Paul Esche Find your heritage and topics as they come and have great discussions as we
explore the God of your Understanding. This find meaning on the journey and help others along the
required CEP class will be first Sunday for the way. Books and Workbooks available in the bookstore
next 5 months. Suggested love offering $20. at Unity of Melbourne. Suggested love offering $20.
Sunday, August 6th 6:00pm Tuesday, August 15th 6:30
Concert with Daniel Nahmod pm Concert: Kim Belew with
Over 110,000 CDs sold. Performances in WEEP Kim Belew is a world
45 U.S. states for well over a million people. traveling and award winning
10,000 songbooks in print. conscious rapper, singer,
Licensing to American Idol, songwriter, spoken word artist, inspirational speaker, workshop
Super Bowl, Today Show, and leader musician who uses her own life experiences and journey and
Saturday Night Live. Songs transformations to bring hope. Suggested love offering $20.
sung by artists around the
world. Daniel Nahmod is one
of the most successful and be- Sunday, August 27th 12:30 pm – 1:30pm
loved independent songwriters, Heaven and Hell: Where are they and how do I get there? with Valarie Parson Got “QUES-
artists and producers working in America today. Tions?” Join us each Sunday for one power-packed hour as we journey through the book and
Suggested love offering $25. workbook of “The Quest.” We’ll take the topics as they come and have great discussions as we
find meaning on the journey and help others along the way. Books and Workbooks available in
Thursday August 10 and August 24 7:00pm the bookstore at Unity of Melbourne. Suggested love offering $20.
The 5 Love Languages: Singles Edition
with Jenny Battig Join us as we dive into how
learning more about how we express and need ONGOING EVENTS
love can help us understand ourselves and First Sunday of the Month - Reiki Healing Service after both Sunday Service
others better, improving our relationships. Sug- Second Friday Night – Game Night 6:30pm
gested love offering $20 Third Sunday of the Month – mini service at WAVECREST 2:30pm
Noon Prayer Service Tuesdays and Thursdays
Sunday, August 13th 9:30 and 11:00am Tuesdays – Course In Miracles 7:00pm
Speaker: Valarie Parson Wednesdays – Meditation with Jenny 6:30pm
Join us in a Journey of Spiritual Discovery
Merritt SUNDAY
Sunday Services
10:00 am
Rev. Mark
The New Way POD Pasqualino
Listen to our Sunday talks online The Aquarian Building MINISTER 238 Peachtree St in Cocoa
4725 N. Courtenay Parkway Rev. Rose M. Come find what you’re
Merritt Island, Florida 32953 missing
321-452-2625 Email 321-543-0058