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                                  USE THIS EXERCISE TO

                                  REVIEW YOUR LIFE CHOICES


                                  James Van Praagh is a NYT bestselling   the grieving parents. I begged them to trust the power of love,
                                  author of Talking to Heaven, Reaching   and to try to have another child.
                                  to Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven and
                                  Earth, Looking Beyond, Meditations,
                                  Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business,   I never knew if they took my advice until the young woman in
            Growing Up In Heaven, Adventures of the Soul, How to Heal a Griev-  Dallas introduced herself. She was the child that I had encour-
            ing Heart (co-authored with Doreen Virtue) Power of Love. He shares   aged this couple to have! Not only had she brought joy and
            insights and messages from the Spirit realm at http://www.vanpraagh.  healing to her parents, but she had grown up to be a teacher
            com.                                                 and was sharing the ripple effect of love with the children in

            Sometimes this school called Earth can be a          her classroom every single day.
            daunting destination and the lessons put in front    Having the faith to choose love isn’t always easy. This exercise
            of you can be staggering. The most difficult thing to   will help you to see the effects of decisions you have made,
            do when presented with challenges is to react with love on a   and reinforce the impact that going down the path of love has
            consistent, daily basis, regardless of what life is putting before   on your life, and the lives of everyone you touch.
            you. Choosing love in these situations may seem counterintui-
            tive, painful, or even impossible – but this is your reason for   EXERCISE: THE RIPPLE EFFECT OF LOVE
            returning to our school called Earth.
                                                                 In your mind’s eye, visualize two giant screens side by side. On
            I just had an amazing encounter at a demonstration in Dallas,   the left screen is a timeline of your life arranged in years and
            Texas that reminded me just why I was guided to write The   decades. Choose a year or decade to observe. Very quickly, a
            Power of Love.                                       few significant situations will begin to stand out. See them,
                                                                 live them, and be them. As you do this, you will find that there
            After a demonstration where my Spirit friends were especially   are one or two particular events that are emotionally promi-
            forthcoming with loving and healing messages, a woman came   nent. With an objective eye, immerse your- self in the particu-
            up to me and said, “I want to say thank you – you’re the rea-  lar circumstances surrounding the event and become aware of
            son I’m here today!” She went on to explain her situation, and   the various choices and decisions you made at that time.
            reminded me of a time, over 25 years ago, when I had met her
            parents.                                             Now, turn to the right screen and observe the outcomes result-
                                                                 ing from the choices you made—for not only the other recipi-
            Her mother and father had come to me, devastated after the   ents but yourself as well. Clearly see the energy you created
            loss of their young daughter in a tragic accident. I brought the   with your actions and the rippling effect caused by your words
            child through and could clearly see her holding out a doll to   and deeds. As these memories and events come into clarity,
            her mother. “Please tell her to give this to my sister.” she said.    begin to see the sources of and reasons for the decisions that
            When I shared that message her mother exclaimed, “That   you made. Become completely aware of the motives, insights,
            can’t happen. Michelle was an only child, and I will never have   and reasoning that were involved. While doing this, it is impor-
            another – I can never, ever, risk feeling this pain again.” The   tant to be as objective as possible, remembering that you are
            young girl in the Spirit world shook her head, and pleadingly   now at a very different place and time in your life. You also
            held out the doll. “She said don’t be afraid, please try again   might find that nothing has changed very significantly in your
            – she will always be there to protect the baby.” I explained to   decision-making process and you might make the same choices
                                                                 again, given the same circumstances.
                                         10:30AM                 Imagine the light of love entering both screens until they are
                                         SUNDAY                  both clear. Realize that the power of love can expand your life
                                       MORNINGS                  choices and extend to all those within your sphere. All choices
                                                                 are based on either fear or love. Become more aware than
                                                                 ever of which one has been the most frequent cause of your
                                           Rev. Mark             decisions. See how it has shaped the life you now live. From
             The New Way POD               Pasqualino            this moment on, you know you want a life full of love, so begin
              The Aquarian Building                              to choose love as the cause of your choices. As you express
             238 Peachtree St in Cocoa                           love in all you do and are, you will see its ripples expanding
         Come find what you’re         beyond your everyday existence.
               321-543-0058                                      Learn why love is the lesson you were sent here to learn.

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