Page 13 - horizons 618 Issue
P. 13

WHAT STEPHEN                                       Since you and I are not physicists, it might be hard to wrap
                                                                  your head around these concepts until you accept that we are
                                                                  all made up of tiny particles of energy – and that energy that
                               HAWKING                            we all share is conscious. Quantum physics proves that what
                                                                  we can physically touch and see isn’t our complete reality.
                                                                  Instead, we are all connected by tiny particles and waves of
                                TAUGHT ME                         energy that make up the universe.

                                      ABOUT LIFE                  Another interesting aspect of quantum physics is that it
                                                                  proves atoms are influenced by each other, even if they are
                                                                  not in direct or physical contact. To me, this explains why
                               WITHOUT LIMITS                     affirmations, meditation, compassion and unconditional love
            James Van Praagh
                                                                  create a ripple effect far beyond where they originate. It also
                                                                  illustrates the power of your thoughts - since thoughts are
                                                                  energy that can alter the behavior of your cells and actually
            "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to
            make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the uni-  affect your health and your very being.
            verse exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is
            always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't   In short: everything is energy, energy influences other energy,
            just give up." Stephen Hawking                        and energy has consciousness of it’s own. Since we are all
                                                                  energy, we are all connected, and that connection transcends
            Stephen Hawking just passed away at age 76, and       time and space. As a medium, I open myself up to receive
            while many consider it remarkable that he lived so    molecules of thought and action from the spirit mind, which
            long with ALS, I’m not surprised. It just proves what   merge with my own consciousness and allow me to deliver
            I’ve always believed - that we are all truly limitless   messages that prove that the dead are there, watching over
            beings. Hawking didn’t let his disease or his body hold him
            back, his brilliant mind carried him beyond his wheel chair,   Carl Sagan sums it up beautifully. “The cosmos is within us.
            even beyond the confines of this planet, to test the limits of   We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to
            the universe!
                                                                  know itself.”

            You can’t control everything that happens – but you can
            choose to live life with curiosity, humor and passion.
            While it might seem that a physicist like Stephen Hawking
            and a spiritual medium like myself would have very different     
            philosophies, the way he approached life resonates with me.                  development-classes
            In fact, I think this quote sums up what I mean when I say that
            we have to let go of the need to control everything, and allow
            ourselves to embrace what life has to offer. “When I turned 21,
            my expectations were reduced to zero,” Hawking said. “It was   To Promote the Religion,  ON-GOING  PSYCHIC/MEDIUM
            important that I came to appreciate what I did have. . . . It’s    Science, and Philosophy   SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES
            also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult   of Spiritualism
            life is, because you can lose all hope if you can’t laugh at
            yourself and at life in general.”                                            The Villages ~ New Series
                                                                                           begins in November
                    Quantum Physics and Spirituality
                           – it’s all connected                                            Gainesville ~ June 9th

            Stephen Hawking was determined to fully understand the uni-
            verse and quantum physics, and those same principals hold the   IFSK Director   Orlando ~ June 24th
            answers to many of the questions my students ask me. Here’s   Marilyn Jenquin
            why. Quantum physics is based upon the fact that the smallest   Private        Melbourne ~ June 5th
            atomic level, we are all energy and we are all connected.  Readings
                                                                   BY APPOINTMENT     Check website for complete details
            I often say that the two biggest illusions are death and separ-
            ateness. Quantum physics supports this theory. Because we are
            all energy, we are part of everything – God, the universe, the    
            stars, and everyone else who has ever lived. It all exists at a
            sub-atomic level inside you. And because energy isn’t limited       407-247-7823
            by time or place, soul energy can exist in different lifetimes,
            on different frequencies, all at once.

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