Page 10 - horizons 618 Issue
P. 10
Herb Corner
Cecelia Avitabile of The Herb Corner and Learning Center in
Melbourne FL is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters
of Herbalism degree and over 20 years of herbal experience. A
member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the
American Herbalist Guild. Visit 321-757-7522
With so many sugar free products on the market
is alarming how the rate of Pre-diabetes and Type
II Diabetes is increasing. These were once thought
Take Control of Your Health With to be conditions of the 40-50-year-old age group
Herbs - Mankind’s Oldest Medicine but not anymore. Fortunately, in some cases it
Herbs have been used as a standard practice can be controlled with diet, exercise, herbs and
of complementary health-care for thousands of supplements.
years. History has accumulated a vast knowledge
of healing with plants providing us with a huge vari- Proper diet helps regulate blood sugar levels; eating more
ety of healing options. foods with a low glycemic index affects the rate at which
There are over 750,000 plants on the planet food is turned into glucose. Foods that are higher in the
Earth and they all contain chemical compounds glycemic index raise your blood sugar levels and stress your
that can be converted into hormones, vitamins and pancreas forcing your body to produce more fat causing you
minerals that address the root cause of the condi- to gain weight. This may be why 80% of Type II Diabetics
tion, not just the symptoms. They work like preci- are over-weight. At the supermarket watch for foods with
sion instruments providing over-all support for the fructose, sucrose, glucose or other forms of sugar on the
body. The Herb Corner carries all your herbal needs labels; these get absorbed in the blood steam and turn into
and all herbs are 100% organic. fat quickly.
Master Herbalist & Certified Nutritional Consultant on Staff Gymnema has been used for over 2000 years in India for
diabetes in Sanskrit it means “destroyer of sugar”. It
We Sell More Than Just Herbs! stimulates the beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin
and it slows down the absorption of glucose through the
Unique Jewelry- Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, intestine. What most people like about this herb is that after
Earrings, , Raw and Tumbled Gemstones, you have tasted it, it blocks the taste of sweets this can help
Gemstone Animals, Eggs & Spheres, Salt Lamps in curb your cravings of sweets and carbohydrates.
various sizes and shapes, Sage, Candles, multi- Fenugreek has also been used for a long time and is well
colored LED lightboxes,, Lip Balms, documented. Studies found this herb to reduce blood
Headache Sticks, Bar & Liquid sugar and cholesterol which seems to be a problem for
Soaps, Salves, food-grade Essential many diabetics it was also found to significantly drop blood
Oils, Unique Tea Diffusers, Tea Pots glucose levels protecting the body from free radical damage
& Oriental Mugs, Herbal Tumblers associated with diabetes. Fenugreek’s unique compounds
and much, much more!!! surround fats and sugars slowing down their absorption
making it great for weight reduction (this may be of help for
Specializing In All Natural Products many diabetics who are having trouble losing weight) plus it
contains amino acids stimulate production of insulin.
The Herb Corner There are other herbs that can be of benefit to Diabetes
Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol
plus it helps to stimulate metabolism. Devils Claw helps
and Learning Center decrease blood sugar levels helping curb sugar and
Hours: Wed-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 11-3 carbohydrate cravings. Sandalwood helps to rejuvenate
insulin production, the sulfur in Onions and Garlic have
277 N. Babcock St., Melbourne * 321-757-7522 insulin-like actions and they help to protect the circulatory
system. Finally, Stevia helps control blood glucose levels reducing glucagon plus it can be used as an artificial
sweetener with no calories, no carbs and no sugar.
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