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LIVING THE                                                       Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid

                                                                              Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
            ETERNAL WAY                                                    Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
                                                                            954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
                                                                             Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice
                             Ellen Grace O’Brian is the author of The
                             Jewel of Abundance and director of the Cen-
                             ter for Spiritual Enlightenment in San Jose,        SOLUTIONS OF CASSADAGA
                             CA. Ordained in 1982 by Roy Eugene Davis,
                             a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda,    Psychic Mediums Carol & David offer intuitive
                             she has been teaching Kriya Yoga philosophy              & supportive readings.
                             and practice nationally and internationally         Phone reading special 20 mins $20
                             over 3 decades.         Also classes, regression & hypnosis
            Mark Matousek ( had the
            opportunity to speak recently to Yogacharya O'Brian   EO: Once we commit ourselves to a path, there is a shift in
            (known as Uma to her devoted students) about         perspective from looking outwardly for the key to our hap-
            the importance of commitment in the seeker’s life,   piness and our security. We begin to develop our ability to
            and the role of discernment on the path of spiritual   follow the inner way. It wasn’t that I didn’t have any more
            awakening.                                           questions or doubts, it was that my focus shifted from outer
                                                                 to inner. What our yogi’s call a deep, burning desire was there
            Mark Matousek: I’d like to ask you about spiritual commit-  for me.
            ment versus escapism. We live in an age where there are
            many choices and a lot of seekers tend to have trouble com-  MM: From looking outward to looking inward is an im-
            mitting to a single practice. What is your attitude toward   portant point that folks don’t always understand. In the
            this?                                                beginning, we’re looking for someone to answer all our
                                                                 questions. Did you look for a long time before you found
            Ellen Grace O'Brian: In the beginning of our spiritual journey,   your guru?
            it’s important to look around, investigate and learn about the
            paths that are available, and discern: what is your right path,   EO: I was just about to turn 30 when I found my guru and
            what is your right way? Most importantly, who is the teacher   I didn’t actually know I was looking for a teacher. There is
            for you? Once we find that, the best way is to then stay in one   that saying that when the student is ready the teacher will
            place and cease wandering. Any constant movement is coun-  appear and that was true in my case. I had a readiness to
            terproductive to that long-term goal.                embark upon the path. My motivation was sorrow and suffer-
                                                                 ing, a feeling that something was missing in my life and I later
            MM: And how do we know when we have found the right   discovered this is a primary motivation for most people. My
            practice?                                            teacher appeared as a response to my inarticulate by heart-
                                                                 felt prayer: ‘Help me, help me.’
            EO: From my experience, it was a matter of meeting my
            teacher and hearing the teachings in a way that spoke to my   MM: Yes, I know that prayer. Had you tried a lot of practices
            heart, my mind and soul. I had been searching for a long time,   before coming to a guru?
            but I always felt like I was having to “edit out” things that
            didn’t work for me.                                  EO: I had gone to college and read widely and think my first
                                                                 exposure to Vedanta was through the writings of Alan Watts.
            When I met my guru, Roy Eugene Davis, who was a direct   But I had not engaged in practices or sadhana. That’s what
            disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, I had the experience that   was missing for me.
            I could relax. I didn’t have to fight with what he was teaching,
            it felt familiar to me and I felt a deep attunement. It was like   MM: So, it was more intellectual?
            a homecoming. It was a felt experience, an intuitive experi-
            ence. Plus, my mind was there too. It’s not just that you fall in   EO: Exactly. What is needed was a way in. Sometimes, we’re
            love with someone, you have to discern: is this the right path?  caught in that whirlwind of what the yogis call samsara, the
                                                                 suffering of the world. We’re going round and round, we’re
            And then, we start in. To practice and not follow anyone   collecting books, maybe even collecting teachers, trying to
            blindly, but test out what we are learning in the laboratory of   find a way out of that suffering. But until we find the key that
            our own experience. When we do that and have some experi-  shows us how to look inside, how to discover the divine self
            ences ourselves, then our discernment is verified.   within, there is that tendency to keep shopping.
            MM: After you committed to your guru and to this path,                     ...continued on page 21...
            were there no doubts left for you?

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