Page 9 - 2-19-Issue
P. 9
lotsa of hicks articles here see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
AbrahamHicks trascriptions here
also here on FB
ABRAHAM-HICKS Reverend Robyn Stevens
Card & Spirit Readings
Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers, Psychic
speaking their broader perspective through 321-327-8881
Esther Hicks. Author of Ask & It Is Given, Medium
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The
Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,
visit Learning about your Past Lives through
Oracles, taught by Kim Danbert
Saturday, Feb. 16 11am -- 1pm
An Abraham-Hicks Exercise: At: Book and Bead Outlet, Merritt Island
Something you might do that is a very delicious thing to do Call 321-453-2556 to reserve your spot
is put yourself in your bed and summon the energy. Whether Tuition $50 All class materials included.
you're summoning it to your face or to your toe, pick a spot
on your body and say, "Work on this for me, will you? Psychic
cellular surgeons, come forth and work on me. Plump up this
cell to its most extraordinary state of well-being. And I will lie
here in the most relaxed state of being that I can find with an
expectation of that."
And what you will feel is literally a sensation within your body.
You will literally feel… Pick a spot and feel it. Choose a spot
on the back of your neck, or in the pit of your knee, or across
the small of your back. Pick any spot, and as you lie there in
that feeling…If we could keep you here for as few as 15 min-
utes you would begin to actually feel physical movement.
Abraham on What Others See In You:
If someone is arguing with you, or finding fault with you, and
not liking what they see, say to them, and mean it lovingly
and kindly, but mean it sincerely, "You're seeing something in
me, that must be active in you, and I think this is more about
you, than it is about me". So if someone is having a bad day,
and they are angry at you, it's about their bad day, much more
than it is about you. It's always about the beholder. Everything
is about the beholder.
Crow’s Crossroads Shoppe
So what you want to do is become more aware of what you're Aurora Collins Owner/Psychic Consultant
seeing in others. That's the thing you want to be aware of. Readings, Classes, Aura Readings
Don't worry about what other people are seeing in you. Don't Tarot, Crystals, Herbs, Jewelry
worry about the love they're giving you, or the love they're not 3810 SE Lake Weir Ave, Ocala, FL 34480
giving you. Let your awareness be about what you're putting 352-235-0558 Email
out. Let your awareness be about how much you're loving.
We wouldn't be running around saying, 'Who loves me or who
doesn't love me?'. We'd be saying, 'Who do I love, what is it
about you, that I love?' Crystals, Books,
Tarot Decks,
Himalayan Salt
Abraham on Well-Being And Attraction: Lamps, Jewelry,
You can feel good about the flower you are looking at, or the Candles,
ocean that you are looking across, or about the smile upon the Unique Gifts
face of the child. You can be focused upon something like that Kannaway CBD
and be feeling utter well-being. And in that moment of that Oil Supplements
basking, you are attracting the dollars that you want, you are Reiki Sessions, Weekly Meditation, Readers
attracting the abundance that you want, you are attracting 352-693-4592 Your Holistic and
the mate that you want; you are attracting whatever it is that Spiritual Healing Center
you want. It is about vibrating and allowing, you see? Like us on Facebook
11781 SE HWY 441, Belleview, FL 34420 (at the Almeida Plaza)
Horizons Magazine by mail $28/12 issues Read online at Page 9